I am trying to figure out a way to make an automated watchbill.
ok brief descp. for the non military. We are in 4 sections. Each section has about 20 people. We stand 2 differant watchs in 8 hour intervals. So say Monday Duty Section 1 has it, so they need 6 watchstanders total. 3 for the office, 3 for driver. Tuesday section 2, 6 people.
Ok so thats explained now.
Here is what I have so far
Excuses - Used for Vactions/Sick/School.
peronsel fields
SSN (last4) - PK
Last Name
First Name
Duty Section
Last Name
This one is the one I am lost for.
I know i have 2 watchs, but there is 6 a day, ect So not to sure how to do that.
I have setup simple querys for duty sections, excuses, watches ect that make life easier. But still no closer to trying to create the watchbill.
In a perfect world I would like it to fill out each watch for the duty section, depending on excuses, and validating it has not used the samer personel twice, in a great world I would like it to verify against the last watchbill for that section to verfy the same personel do not have a watch two duty days in a row.
I know this is alot, and I could have possibly broken it down, but was unsure of where to break it at.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to figure out a way to make an automated watchbill.
ok brief descp. for the non military. We are in 4 sections. Each section has about 20 people. We stand 2 differant watchs in 8 hour intervals. So say Monday Duty Section 1 has it, so they need 6 watchstanders total. 3 for the office, 3 for driver. Tuesday section 2, 6 people.
Ok so thats explained now.
Here is what I have so far
Excuses - Used for Vactions/Sick/School.
peronsel fields
SSN (last4) - PK
Last Name
First Name
Duty Section
Last Name
This one is the one I am lost for.
I know i have 2 watchs, but there is 6 a day, ect So not to sure how to do that.
I have setup simple querys for duty sections, excuses, watches ect that make life easier. But still no closer to trying to create the watchbill.
In a perfect world I would like it to fill out each watch for the duty section, depending on excuses, and validating it has not used the samer personel twice, in a great world I would like it to verify against the last watchbill for that section to verfy the same personel do not have a watch two duty days in a row.
I know this is alot, and I could have possibly broken it down, but was unsure of where to break it at.
Any help would be appreciated.