After updating from WAS 4.0.2 to WAS 5.0.2 the new WAS compiles any JSP files only once. All further changes
to a JSP file are ignored - "reloading" a JSP-page inside the browser results everytime in the same (old) output.
Only stopping and restarting the appropriate AppServer makes WAS recompile the JSP... but only once again.
Looks like a caching problem to me but
* browser cache is disabled / browser configured probably
* no proxy server is involved
* dynamic caching inside WAS is disabled
* servlet caching inside WAS is disabled
* ESI caching inside plugin-cfg.xml is disabled
* making the WAR-module "reloadable" (every 3 seconds) doesn't help
* even deleting the .class files from the /temp/... directory doesn't help
* and deleting the JSP from the server!!! doesn't work as well - the (old) output is still returned, although the file
no longer exists...
Load balancing vie edge components load balancer is used but I don't think the problem is related to the balancer
(CachingProxy is not used).
Does anybody know, what the hell WAS 5.0.2 is doing? WAS 4.0.2 realized any changes to the JSP-sourcecode
without problems - why doesn't it work with WAS 5.0??? Can ClassLoaders be involved in this mystery???
to a JSP file are ignored - "reloading" a JSP-page inside the browser results everytime in the same (old) output.
Only stopping and restarting the appropriate AppServer makes WAS recompile the JSP... but only once again.
Looks like a caching problem to me but
* browser cache is disabled / browser configured probably
* no proxy server is involved
* dynamic caching inside WAS is disabled
* servlet caching inside WAS is disabled
* ESI caching inside plugin-cfg.xml is disabled
* making the WAR-module "reloadable" (every 3 seconds) doesn't help
* even deleting the .class files from the /temp/... directory doesn't help
* and deleting the JSP from the server!!! doesn't work as well - the (old) output is still returned, although the file
no longer exists...
Load balancing vie edge components load balancer is used but I don't think the problem is related to the balancer
(CachingProxy is not used).
Does anybody know, what the hell WAS 5.0.2 is doing? WAS 4.0.2 realized any changes to the JSP-sourcecode
without problems - why doesn't it work with WAS 5.0??? Can ClassLoaders be involved in this mystery???