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Wanting to add terminal to res3700 1

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Technical User
Apr 8, 2012
Hi all :) I am somewhat new to micros and i am wanting to possibly add a terminal or 2.. I have noticed that my current terminals run on windowsCE and i dont have a lot of experience with it tho i understand its kind of a stripped down version of xp.. So do i have to use windowsCE? I am wanting to try using a tablet pc with micros installed on it.. Can i use a tablet pc with res3700? Can it have windows 7/8 on it? Any help or point me in the right direction is appreciated! Also will I have to buy another license for the extra terminal from my micros dealer?

Hey Moregelen and thanks so much for your help and time! :) Im thinking maybe it would just be better to try and get a win7 workstation going first with the res4, and worry about updating the server to res5 sometime next year due to there being lots of things to do already in the next few weeks to get opened on the 31st. I am going to go ahead and order the pc and win7 pro to try to setup with my current version if you dont mind helping me?.. If it doesnt workout running under res4 then i will use that pc to replace my aloha server at our other restaurant.

Thanks again for all the help!
Hey Moregelen.. Ok i have my win7 pro32bit up and running... I was wondering if there is anything i could go ahead and do? Could i possibly get a link to download the res3700 version 4.9 build install file? Im going to look around to see if maybe there is a list to prepare for the install etc... Do you know of a good setup guide?

Thanks again for all your help, it is much appreciated :)
You don't need the full RES installer. You only need the CAL client. Configure the network node as Workstation; that's a win32 client. CAL takes care of the rest.
hmmm ok.. im a little confused... Im guessing CAL is a software i need to install.. i really am new to how the networking, installing, etc go with micros.. I am pretty good at the menu programming after much help from yall.. Could you possibly give me a little more detail to the steps you provided?
When i open network nodes from pos configurator i see uws1 uws2 uws3 uws4 uws5 and micros1 .. when i select one i have a few options.. i see a workstation type dropdown.. is that what you are talking about? that dropbox doesnt have win32 client as an option...
crap sorry.. i just reread what you said.. So just give my workstation a static ip , set as workstation , and then just save the changes and it will take care of the rest? Do i need to setup any sharing options between the terminal and server first?
Ok, the very first thing you need to do is configure the system for another workstation.

1) Open POS Configurator and go to the Devices tab.

2) Click on Network Node

You'll find a list of all of your workstation, all of your network printers, your server, and any KDS you might have. This is where you define the device type (Win32, Workstation4, mTablet, etc) as well as the networking settings.

a) Click on the last workstation in your list, in this case UWS5. You only have four workstations, but you have five configured. This is pretty convenient. Verify that an IP Address and Subnet Mask are configured for UWS5. Once you have verified that, in the Workstation Type dropdown, change it to Workstation, probably from Workstation4. Workstation is what Micros calls the Win32 workstation type while Workstation4 is the WinCE type.

b) Click the green check box to save the change you made, and click the Update Host File button

3) Close that window, and now click on Devices.

This list pairs a network node with a device name; for workstations there really isn't anything to do here. If the UWS5 doesn't exist in this list, click the blue + button to add a new record. We only have to deal with the first tab: Set Device Type to User Workstation and Network Node to UWS5.

4) Close this window, and now click on User Workstations

This is where most of the actual configuration for the workstation takes place. Hopefully this also has a fifth workstation configured already. If not, click on UWS4, and click the blue + button.

a) In the device name column, click and a dropdown will open. Select UWS5.

The rest is a bit more tricky; you're going to have to jump back and forth between UWS5 and UWS4 so that you can mirror the settings for all the tabs.

Once you've done all of that (and hopefully you won't have to because you have a UWS5 already setup), you can install the actual CAL software on the computer. It has to be on the same network as the rest of the Micros computers.

Here is the only bit of software you actually have to isntall. Once you install it, CAL will launch. It will search for servers, and hopefully find yours. Once it does, either tap on the server (or if you didn't get a touchscreen click) on the server; make sure it fills in the fields using the servers information. Click next; you should now get a list of workstations; there should only be the one, UWS5. Click on it, make sure it fills in the settings in the window clicking again if it doesn't, and then click Next. This will automatically pull the necessary software down from the Micros server itself and self-configure the workstation. The computer will reboot quite a few times, so either set windows up so that it logs in automatically or be on hand to log back in every time it comes back up.

Sorry my instructions are a bit quick and not very detailed, but its Saturday and I'm watching a movie and replying on my pad ;) Let me know if you have a specific hang up and I'll try and help.
Awesome :) All made sense... There are a couple things i have questions about. First im not sure where the update host file button is in step 2b... and im just going to set this new pc to the ip it already has setup in network nodes for uws5.. And last question is does this new workstation need a certain username and a password? Or can it be whatever without a password? im sure i can google how to auto login if that is what i should do..
And its going to be a good hour or 2 before these windows updates finish and i get the new workstation to the location and on the network, so no rush to answer.. enjoy the movie and thanks again so much for your help :)
No, username and password don't matter on the windows side of things; you probably aren't even using integrated login.

That's right.. The older version of res didn't have the update host file button.

Go to D:\Micros\Common\Etc and delete MDShosts.xml. Open the control panel and click reload database; it will recreate the file.
Great :) thanks so much.. Ill let ya know how it goes!
Hey Moregelen :) Well it seemed everything was going fine.. CAL found the server and i selected uws5 after that.. It didnt have a next button but did have a save button.. i clicked that and the computer rebooted... When it came back up I saw CAL come up but then went away.. its been about 10 minutes with no sign of anything else going on.. I do see mcrscal.exe and win7calstart.exe in my running processes.. Any ideas?
ok.. i got it moving along a little more.. i had my defualt gateway set incorrectly, once i fixed that it started loading all the files..
Now it went to the starter app and got stuck at "wait for mdshosts file" I googled that and read a few possible actions.. reloaded the database.. and eventually copy and pasted mdshosts into the correct folder on the new workstation. It then proceeded along through "kds display" and then through up this error:
Fatal Error
Cannot find the ops registry key
HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\micros\3700\ops

I seem to be stuck here for now... Any ideas?
Just as a quick oh duh question, did you check in the registry editor to see if the Micros key exists, and that the subkeys it is looking for exist?
Hey :) yes i did look at the reg key.. im pretty sure all was there except the ops key..im away from the pc but heading to work on it here soon.. should i try and create a key?
OK im here now... All the folders are present and there is 2 folders inside of the 3700 folder (db update server and print manager) there is also a default reg key in the 3700 folder.. Got any ideas?
Sorry man; our time zones must be completely different 'cause I'm getting ready for bed. I'm nowhere near a Micros computer an I'm one of those guys who need to look at something when trouble shooting.

Tomorrow, when I get into the office, I'll swipe my co-workers RES 4 lab and CAL a Windows 7 machine off of it. Will write down anything I have to do to 'jimmy' it into working.
Ok - so the lab I'm using is 4.10 and the RP5800 I pulled from our warehouse has 64bit Windows Professional on it, but it should be close enough.

I was getting a bunch of errors while trying to CAL, and when digging, it all came back to permissions error so I just went to the user account control settings and killed UAC completely. Did a reconfigure CAL and just started over - so far, CAL is now running smoothly. Will let you know how it went when it finishes.
Ok, I actually got all of the errors you did :)

I solved the MDHost one by just dropping it in the CAL folder, but your way works too.

The issue with the registry key was pretty simple. Go to the micros server, and find that key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROS\3700\Ops

Export the entire OPS key and transfer that exported file over to your Win7 machine. Open the MDSHost file, find the Win7 workstation and note the UWSSeq.

Merge the registry keys (if you're using 64bit Win7 like me you have to modify the key to add Wow6432Node after Software\). Once you've merged the key, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROS\3700\Ops and edit the UwsSeq DWORD to the sequence you notied earlier. Launch Micros, and you're good to go!
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