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Wallpaper using jpg

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Jun 7, 2003
I am doing some work on a friends pc. When it came in, it had a jpg image as a wallpaper background. At some stage the background went back to standard green and now I cannot get it back.

Active desktop is on, and when I select a jpg image in screen properties, the preview is blank, and if I apply, there is just a small box with a red square in the top left hand corner. It will display bmp images quite happily.

Display is 600x800, set to 16 bit hi colour.

Any ideas? Graphics are not my forte, by the way!


Hi there,

Sounds to me like you've lost or moved the JPG image?!

Try with another JPG image §;O)


I had the same problem and the fastest solution was to use a photo type program to convert the jpg files my friend wanted as wallpaper (Frank Sinatra) to bmp.
I thought that would be the best suggestion, georgespi, but I would really like to put it back the way it was, PLUS gain something for my own benefit.

It is a bit of a mystery, because the images all open OK in Photo Editor, but will not display when selected through the screen properties.

Try to "Browse" to this folder
C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer...which is where the jpg should be located....or place it there, if it's not.....


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
Are you sure the image you are using is .JPG....not .JPEG....if it's .jpeg, change it to .jpg....

Background pictures may have the following file extensions: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .dib, .htm.


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
Files are definitely jpg. I tried moving some into the directory you mentioned, but still the same. Does it really matter where the images are stored.?

As far as where they're stored...it was worth a shot.....

Sometimes I take for granted that all people know/are familiar with all the settings available...so I'm going to suggest.....
Go to "Display Properties"....Background tab.....Select the .jpg you want from the list......and on the lower right side it says "Display"....Click the "down arrow" and select "Stretch"...not "Center"..or "Tile"


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
i would suggest just opening the image with a program such as adobe photoshop and saving it as a .bmp. this eliminates the need for active desktop, which may be the root of the problem. besides you said that it displays .bmp images fine. this doesnt solve the problem but offers a nice route around. :)
Can you open graphics/jpegs/jpgs/gifs in a web browser....IE.? for example....

If not...go to start/settings/folder options..."File Types" tab..scroll down to jpeg image and click to select..then click "Edit"...
Click "Open" to select...click "Edit"..in Application used to perform action....type in
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nohome
click "OK".....(notice the blank space between " -nohome and the quotation placement)
Make sure..
"Default Content for content type" is .jpg
though these aren't as important....but
"Description of Type" is JPEG
"Content type MIME" is image/jpeg

Next thing...I'll send you to the REG....
However it would be useful to know what...
I am doing some work on a friends pc


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
another angle to look at is virus infection. scan it with a good anti-virus software (with the most recent update of course).

kilroy [trooper]

When I try to open them in IE, it calls MGI Photo Suite instead.

The file associations for JPEG are as you describe above.

"I am doing some work on a friends pc"

What started out to be a simple exercise of purging the swen virus has opened a Pandoras box. Got the virus all cleaned up and then installed pc-cillin, but found it wouldn't auto update the pattern files. PC came back again and I got that sorted, but friend said "by the way, when I double click my jpg files I get a message like 'cannot open \work.bmp' file". So..I opened MGI Photo Suite and then opened the jpg files from there OK. ??? I was then able to double click said jpg files from Windows Explorer and they would open in Photo Suite OK as well. ??? Then noticed the background image (a .jpg file) disappeared.

And that's where this thread started.

Anyway, the machine is a P166 with just 64m ram and is barely struggling to keep up with what is being demanded of it, so have called the friend to come pick it up, and I may look at it some other time. I cannot afford to spend any more time on it right now. ( It now has some some lovely clouds as a background )

So, many thanks for all the input, everyone. I'm sorry we wont be able to get to the bottom of it after all.

How the heck do you download/view any web pages if jpg's open up whatever junk photo suite that thing is.....?

trust me..I've been through the frustration.....more than once on old machines[bigsmile]


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
Web pages open fine, which adds more to the mystery I guess.

I was looking through the file association list and it looks like a "Who's Who". The machine is riddled with small "junk" stuff and remnants of programs that have been and gone over several years. I told the friend last night that if he has any more problems, regardless, I will copy everything to a partition, format the c: drive, and start all over. Come to think of it, I should have done that in the first place - would have saved a lot of angst.

If you go
Start>RunREGEDIT...and go to here
you should have these folders....
Default value={7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC}
Default value={7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC}
Default value={7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC}

and they should match the .bmp extension too (all should be the same 32 bit code)


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
Oh yeh...
\The same is true for .gif files also.....
When you open MS paint, open any bmp....is there a dropdown arrow in "Save As" Box for jpeg and gif..?

If none of this helps...I'm suspect of "Active Desktop" problems....


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
Machine has gone and hopefully wont come back. But if it does I will adopt the "slash and burn" technique described above.

Because I am in a school setting, I would like to prevent students from changing the desktop background. I have used the group policy setup to supposedly prevent this from happening. It works fine on JPEGS from the internet, but from within an application such as MSWORD, students can still right click, go to properties, and then set the picture as the desktop background. We have installed Fortres 101 which prevents that background from shoing up temporarily, but as soon as we access the Fortres program, it allows the stored (where we don't know) background to become active.

Bottom line question...Is there a way to remove the option to save a JPEG as a desktop background by not haveing that option appear when the JPEG is right clicked?

could try;
when logged on as the user you want to restrict, this key
Add to it these Binary (hex) values
NoActiveDesktop=01 00 00 00
NoActiveDesktopChanges=01 00 00 00

if logged on as any user - this will apply to NEWly created profiles only

if logged on as any user - this will apply to each specific EXISTING created profile only

and/or for System Wide...I'm going to assume

you may have to find an MSWORD equivalent subkey in the reg to disable this functionality. Using IE? - cause can't get any properties from an Image unless its already saved to disk somewhere.


These are just my thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
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