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W98 setup crash

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Technical User
Jun 22, 2001

running a p133 with 96mb ram, 4gigHD

I think I got a virus...because Tiny Personal Firewall kept asking me to OK somthing on evey application I ran, but just the once.
Windows became buggy, and I must have gone mad, for (before virus checking) I debugged and formatted my HD.
During the W98 setup, I keep getting these error mssgs:
windows requires XXXXX bytes (then it stops responding, needs 'any key' prompt, then restarts, and loops back to a:/ promt)
And....when I finaly got to proper W98 installation, I get to the first progress bar, and when it reaches 100% thuings stop (mouse still works) but a little black box bleeps up in the middle of the screen.
I cant get it to do anything else...

My HD is debugged, formatted and system files on it, ready for w98.
I am wondering, do i have a boot sector virus?(remember i didnt get chance to virus check..would it have moved onto my boot sector?)
Is this a retreivable problem?



oh, yea...

I think its a boot sector problem, because, on formatting/partitioning my drive I got a warning that Boot sector information was to be modified.
I ok'ed it...and am now thinking I shouldnt have

Everything You have to do is to make a system disk on the pc of one of your friends with bear DOS and copy there an antivirus program
than boot your pc from that floppy and scan your system for viruses
Hi, thanks,
where is the antivirus program on the W98 startup disk?
If you mean scandisk, that results in a clean HD.
If you mean a standalone DOS application that I can boot from floppy and run in dos, where can i get a good DOS virus checker?

try format /mbr and destroy your Master boot record. although if you blow out your partitions, re-partition and format your drive, your MBR should be wipped clean. You might also get another copy of the Installation CD and try that. Or try your version on another computer.

Hi Rhoon,
when you say 'try format /mbr' you mean in dos, yes?
well I have just tried this..typing :
a:/>format c: /mbr (didnt work, got 'invalid switch- /mbr'

a:/>format /mbr (same again)

what do you mean?

As for trying my disk on another , and using another setup disk...I an get one, but not at this time

When Windows says it needs xxxx bites to install windows, that is because the harddrive is not formatted. Sometimes you have to load a memory manager as a device to run chkdsk.

All the memory manager does is it allows the computer to use the hard drive for swap space under virtual memory. However if the Hard Drive isn't formatted, then that will not work. If you can get a Win98 or later boot disk that has support for the CDROM also. If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
It could also be that you have the virus warning turned on in the BIOS. If this is on, then win 98 will not install. Turn this off and try again. I mostly agree with above, hard drive is not formated, or not formated correctly. fdisk it and then format it and try again. Just boot with a dos disk and hit c: .. if you get Abort Retry Fail then its not formated. If you get a c prompt then its the virus warning in the bios.

I think all is sorted.
I have a stable copy of W98, and the knowledge to do a clean install.

I have turned off the BIOS virus warning.

However, the HD that Im gonna reinstall on, is the HD that Im using right now. (The onewith the buggy Windows running)

Recently Ive been getting VXD errors, and hope that it is not a different bit of hardware thats gone...

Anyways, Ive reinstalled windows so many time on so many different peoples computers, you think I should be able to get my 133 running sweet. But, no...

Who knows, give it a few months and I might be posting queries about a faster system.

Right, Im gonna go write my list for Santa.

Hey guys, wonderif you can help me with this one..
Trying to load W98 on a 133 MHz Gateway. HD is previously fdisked and formatted wit /s switch. With W98 CD in, booting from CD and going through the install process, W98 get on the HD, then on a DOSsy screen comes the message.."C>Type name of command interpreter (eg. C:\windows\command.com)" Very helpful, but no help!
Command.com exists in root directory. Command.com also exists in \windows\command\ directory.. Forcing Windows to execute from \windows flashes the splash screen, then comes wu with message saying "could not find registry" followed by the blue death screen with a message that says something like VPN could not find necessary compnents, System Halted !!
Any help with the installation process much appreciated!
I'm no pro, but I have a few suggestions for you.

Are you using a floppy to boot from?
good site to get one from is
Or it might be a buggy version of W98?

Sorry I couldnt be more help

Merry Xmas!
Could some one tell me how to delete linux dual boot lilo from the boot sector. I am having difficulties installing windows from the vendor provided recovery cd as the lilo keeps on poping up at startup. HELP!!!!!

Boot with a W98/ME startup disk and when it boots to a clean A:\ prompt fdisk /mbr this will wipe the master boot record and remove the LILO boot.
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