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W32/Netsky.p.eml!exe Virus/Worm

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Dec 12, 2003
A couple machines on my network seem to have contracted the W32/Netsky.p.eml!exe Virus/Worm. I say seem to have because the Mcafee virus software I have pops up with a message that says the virus has been detected and cleaned. It seems to be cleaned until the next reboot. Then, when Outlook is run, the virus shows up again.

This seems to be a relatively new strain of the Netsky virus because I can't seem to find any good removal information for it. Okay, I can't fine ANY removal information for it. I've scoured the Internet and can't seem to find anything.

I've chatted with tech support at Mcafee (what a joke) and tried what they suggested. They suggested I run a virus scan in safe mode. That didn't work.

Most of my machines run Win2k. I have a couple WinXP machines too. On the machines that have WinXP I also turn of system restore before running the scans in safe mode.

Does anyone have any good information about this virus? Is it also known as something else?

My employees swear they didn't open any attachments, and I believe them. Somehow they got this virus without opening attachments.

Please help,

I had the same problem. It finally occured to me that every, single time a particular email account of mine was checked the virus would reappear, only to be discovered and deleted by my Macafee AntiVirus program. Two minutes later, there it was again... I also noticed that my mail delivery from that particular account would fail every time. I was able to fix the problem by accessing the mail through the web, where I found the offending email. I delted it, and the problem went away.

I hope that helps.
I have since discovered exactly what you've described. Most of the time I have to reboot my machine as well. My problem is that I have several people in my office who are having this problem and I'm so embarassed as the IT guy to have to tell them they have to go out to their webmail, delete the offending emaill, and then reboot. Good grief. Mcafee has acknowledged the problem to me but can't give me a timeline for a fix. If they wait too long I'll switch my virus protection to Norton.

It's been a major problem in my office.
i had the same problem and I run Norton. I had about 20 'hits', which NAV instantly deleted. Finally my mail client - Eudora - did manage to fully download the e-mail, which I then deleted, and I had no further problem.
Hello! I have this bug W32/Netsky.p.eml!exe Virus/Worm on a Computer and it seems like it is everywhere in the network as well.... It hogs up memory and runs everything
VERY S L O W. I only found it after "it" sent a message to a friend with a MAC on Cox.Net and they reported it back to me. Norton 9.0 misses it, Mcafee.. well..... Bit defender missed too. It seems that it may kill hard drives as well.(???, lost at least 3 hard drives since touching into this network)
I had no virus/worm problems until I began working on this particular network.... now things work, but not like they are supposed to and I have had NO LUCK finding anything.
Your string has told the most to date! Anyone have any ideas of a fix or where to find the bug??

If you have norton 2003 pls install & update to the latest definition.Disconnect each infected system from the network & perform a norton dos scan.(U need to run c:\progra~1\Norton~1\navdx.exe /doallfiles/delete from dos).This scan would take around 3hrs but will make ur system free of viruses.(Switch off the system before performing the scan for 2mins approx.).Before connecting the network u can perform a windows based scan to cross check.
NOTE: Unless all systems are scanned donot bring the LAN up.
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