We are testing several W2K pc's and seem to have found a consistant problem. After an amount of time (hours to days, it varies) we can no longer get internal servers by tcp name lookup. If we ping the server "domino" (which normaly works ok and still works for all NT and 95 machines) it will not return an address, however if we ping "domino.stpetes.org" it works fine. The only fix so far, seems to be to re-boot the pc then things work great for a while. I have the correct DNS suffex entered in the W2K machines and when you look up the properties, it is still there. This occurs on both DHCP served and static IP addressed machines. The hosts file fix that I have seen is not an option, that is why we have a DNS server and a backup DNS server, don't want to have to change host files on 800 pc's every time we change a server.