Within the past couple days I've had some interesting things occur on a home PC. The CPU is constantly at 100% with WINHelp.exe and services.exe processes taking up the majority of the CPU. Also, in Outlook there were over 16K e-mail messages that were trying to be sent.
When I tried to delete the e-mails they keep getting re-generated.
I'm ashamed to say the system does not have any virus scan software. Kind of took it for granted that it came with the system since that is a necessity now-a-days. Needless to say I'm going out to get some NAV software tonight.
Any ideas on the issue or type of virus? Any help would be appreciated.
When I tried to delete the e-mails they keep getting re-generated.
I'm ashamed to say the system does not have any virus scan software. Kind of took it for granted that it came with the system since that is a necessity now-a-days. Needless to say I'm going out to get some NAV software tonight.
Any ideas on the issue or type of virus? Any help would be appreciated.