Lately we've been upgrading our Win 2k network for better security and have decided to add a (Win 2K /AD domain controller DNS/DHCP server) between our firewall "Instant Internet 400" and the rest of our network. We've configured the server to be our new AD domain controller and installed an extra NIC. I've got a user that VPNs in from home via his Instant Internet 100 into our Instant Internet 400 using ipsec. Its been a pretty solid solution in the past but my question is this: how will the addition of our new Win 2K server (dual NIC, DNS,DHCP etc) affect my user working from home and will it block his traffic. I don't think you'll need it, but if anymone needs more information or clarification is required (ie,,DHCP scope, IPs, etc) please don't hesitate to ask. Any help would be appreciated.