I have just made my business bigger and now looking into vpn. I have 3 Locations and would like to be able to connect up all 3 locations so i can access them all. At the locations i have camera which i would like to view from home. Also a program which i would use for promotions.
As i am new i understand that i would need 3 servers running windoes server 2003 and use on as a main?
Would let 2 of the locations connect to the 3rd location so that they can all talk ( hopefully ). But i would need to connect from my home to the main server through a vpn setup.
What sort of equipment would i need to have at each location.
I hope you can understand what i am trying to tell you and as much help is needed.
Many Thanks
Tom Sanders
I have just made my business bigger and now looking into vpn. I have 3 Locations and would like to be able to connect up all 3 locations so i can access them all. At the locations i have camera which i would like to view from home. Also a program which i would use for promotions.
As i am new i understand that i would need 3 servers running windoes server 2003 and use on as a main?
Would let 2 of the locations connect to the 3rd location so that they can all talk ( hopefully ). But i would need to connect from my home to the main server through a vpn setup.
What sort of equipment would i need to have at each location.
I hope you can understand what i am trying to tell you and as much help is needed.
Many Thanks
Tom Sanders