Has any one setup a linkysys vpn router to windows 2000???,This is driving me nuts,I have tried everything.I open ports 1723,47,50,500, i created policity thew the secpol.msc and when i try to ping i get negotating ip security.i have ipsec enabled,ok here my setup..
LAN 1 ..a linksys router ( standard,not vpn) my internal gatway is xxx.168.1.1.dhcp is off so my first machine behind the firewall is xxx.168.1.2 and so on
LAN2....a linksys vpn router,,my internal gateway is xxx.168.100.1 same thing dhcp is turned off, and first pc starts with xxx.168.100.2.......................with all this say on both sides i have port forwarding on or port triggering on 1723,47,50,500(i heard these ports had to be open..,on my standard linksys router side i created shared keys accordign to linksys website ( secpol.msc..and when i acitivate it i get negotating ip security,please soem 1 help me, its greatly apresheated.. DAN
LAN 1 ..a linksys router ( standard,not vpn) my internal gatway is xxx.168.1.1.dhcp is off so my first machine behind the firewall is xxx.168.1.2 and so on
LAN2....a linksys vpn router,,my internal gateway is xxx.168.100.1 same thing dhcp is turned off, and first pc starts with xxx.168.100.2.......................with all this say on both sides i have port forwarding on or port triggering on 1723,47,50,500(i heard these ports had to be open..,on my standard linksys router side i created shared keys accordign to linksys website ( secpol.msc..and when i acitivate it i get negotating ip security,please soem 1 help me, its greatly apresheated.. DAN