Hi, realise this post is similar to another but its the only place I have found people with same problem. My setup is:
Cable modem (NTL 1mb) to Netgear RP614 to 4 PCs shaing internet connection. I want to connect and allow incoming connections via VPN from off-site. Having lots of difficulties. I have set up the incoming connection, I have forwarded port 1723 for pptp from the router to my machine. Still wont work, I can ping the ip address from off site which is a start. please help. The other thread on this topic didnt seem to help, and its a different router, the RP114 not the RP614 which I'm using.
Cable modem (NTL 1mb) to Netgear RP614 to 4 PCs shaing internet connection. I want to connect and allow incoming connections via VPN from off-site. Having lots of difficulties. I have set up the incoming connection, I have forwarded port 1723 for pptp from the router to my machine. Still wont work, I can ping the ip address from off site which is a start. please help. The other thread on this topic didnt seem to help, and its a different router, the RP114 not the RP614 which I'm using.