Does anyone know a way to return the Volume Number? I see there are DriveLetter and VolumeName options, but I really need to know the Volume Number before commiting a drive letter change in the script. Any ideas?
well specifically, if I use the resource kit utility 'diskpart' which is command line control of Disk Manager, then a volume has:
volume number
drive letter
volume name
and more
Thanks SF but this gave me partition numbers relating to the disk rather than the volume number.
What would work too I guess is if I could search the text output from running diskpart and then run a particular script if this was T or F. But I must admit my scripting days are few. Is this possible?
eg if in diskpart.txt there exists
Microsoft DiskPart version 5.1.3553
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: LNEEML01
DiskPart is starting the disk management services.
Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- -------- Volume 0 F MAIL02 NTFS Simple 137 GB Healthy
Volume 1 E MAIL01 NTFS Simple 137 GB Healthy
Volume 2 R CD-ROM 0 B
Volume 3 C SYSTEM NTFS Partition 18 GB Healthy System
Volume 4 D OS_Utils NTFS Partition 16 GB Healthy
Then if I could match the string MAIL02 and take the volume number = 0 then i could get around it.
Try this, I am presuming that you already have the text file
Dim fso
Set fso = Wscript.Createobject("Scripting.FilesystemObject"
set diskpart = fspenTextFile("C:\Diskpart.txt",1)
newdetails = ""
Do Until diskpart.AtEndOfStream
strline = diskpart.ReadLine
If InStr(strline,"MAIL02" Then
details = split(Trim(strline)," "
for i = 0 to ubound(details) -1
If NOT details(i) = "" Then
newdetails = newdetails & "," & details(i)
End If
list = Split(newdetails,","
Volume = list(1)
Volnumber = list(2)
dletter = list(3)
label = list(4)
msgbox volume & " " & volnumber & VBCrlf & "Drive Letter: " & dletter & VBCrlf & "Label: " & label
End If
Steve Friday
Thanks for your help, I used that script to determine the volume number and used that to run either set 0 or set 1 of a similar set of scripts on the RIGHT volume.
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