Description: Electra Elite IPX for a small company of about 20 in-house users with 4 remote sales folk and one South American Supplier.
Can this system handle VoIP out of the box? I got managers breathing down my neck for the "next big thing" even though it's been around for a while, and while I can see the cost-savings if it get's installed, I don't see it as more than a buzzword for this company.
The quote from the provider recommended 5 Edgemarc 4500s with one 4300 for the office, and 5 phones totalling around 10 grand. Is this right?????
"Not always my best shot, but I hit the target now and then"
Can this system handle VoIP out of the box? I got managers breathing down my neck for the "next big thing" even though it's been around for a while, and while I can see the cost-savings if it get's installed, I don't see it as more than a buzzword for this company.
The quote from the provider recommended 5 Edgemarc 4500s with one 4300 for the office, and 5 phones totalling around 10 grand. Is this right?????
"Not always my best shot, but I hit the target now and then"