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Voicemails arrive late at phoneset

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Apr 7, 2009
We have a Merlin Magix Release 3.0 V7.0 in Hybrid/PBX mode and Merlin Messaging Release 3.0 with v3.0.33 software.

If I dial my own extension either DID or go through the system AA and leave a voice message, the message counter updates and indicator on my phoneset illuminates almost immediately.

However, I have at least one user (a V.P. no less) who insists that his voicemails arrive (that is, message counter and indicator update) anywhere from 24 to 72 hours late. He determines this both by the date/time voicemail envelope information and by the content of the message.

I have tried deleting his mailbox and re-creating it but no luck. Any suggestions?
I would not take his word for it. Using the AA - leave several test messages for his extention - then check his voicemail for their arrival time. Also do the test by dialing his extention (have him not answer) leave test messages - then check them for arrival time.

Then report back on your findings (test results)

Tom Daugirdas,
STCG, Inc.
What we usually suspect is that when a Voice Mail user is is listening to a message and then wants to skip it, they accidentally hit the POUND SIGN (Skip Command) twice.

That means they skipped a message they haven't yet listened to.

Later, when they listen to their messages they have one that is "OLD" that they never heard.

Peresonally I find it odd that he is the only one out of 50 users who has this complaint, but hey, he's a V.P. so he must be right, right?

As an example, there have been several Monday mornings when he has called to tell me "it happened again - when I left late Friday, my message indicator was off and the display showed zero new messages; I come in Monday morning and it shows two messages, one of which was actually from mid-day Friday and the other from Thursday."

Is there some other means by which he could be clearing the display counter and indicator and then the system is resetting them during a late-night "housekeeping" sub-routine?
I am having this exact same problem! Have you come up with a solution?


The solution is using the VM correctly! Don't press # twice during message playback, if you don't want to skip the message!

they don't learn that in the V.P. school, LOL.
Isn't it funny that always the big bosses have problems that nobody else has? Or is that only me experiencing that and I am to blame.
Joking aside, if he hits the # twice then the message is not new any more, so it will not light the light any more and it will not play it right away either. It will play the new messages and then start playing the old ones. Have them watch if these are reported as old messages (not while checking the e-mail and talking on the cell would help too)

Joe W.

FHandw., ACS

If you can't be good, be good at it!
I tend to agree with the "hitting # twice" possibility and will have a nice talk with the VP about that.

As to stupid executives, when this system was first installed our president complained several times about his calls being "denied." I was in his office one day when he started a call and after a few moments he said, "Here, look at this" and sure enough, his phone's display read "Call denied."

Well, this guy didn't have good phone number recall and as I watched him dial, he would tap and continue to hold the 9 key (for an outside line) while he referred to his notes to get the number he wished to dial. By the time he released the 9 key (five seconds seems to do the trick), the system had timed out and blocked further dialing. I had to train him to not hold the keys down for more than a few seconds.
sometimes it is an age thing and when they first started they had rotary only and didn't have that problem until the digital CO's came in and were much less forgiving and so are the systems. Good luck with a blackberry for them then, LOL

Joe W.

FHandw., ACS

If you can't be good, be good at it!
In my case it doesn't seem to be operator error. When the messages finally show up, they are "new" messages and light the indicator. This particular extension is designated as the message waiting station for 2 different call groups. I had been receiving "sanity check" failures on the messaging module and recently replaced the hard drive. I have not seen any errors since then but is it possible that the board itself is to blame?
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