I'm having a big problem.
We are at the moment running Core version 5.0.18, and VM Pro 5.0.25
I would like to try, to upgrade to a new core version, because of a bug in the one, we are using now.
Therefor, I have setup a virtual VM Pro, and installed VM 5.0.25, pointing against an IPO 500, with licens.
If I tryes to upgrade my VM PRO, the installations runs smooth, and there is no problems.
As soon as I try to run the VM PRO software, i'm ask to logon, to VM Pro.
I have never done this before, and never createt a username and password to the VM.
Therefor I can't logon now, and get to VM PRO to work.
What is the workaround for this, or how do I manage to create a user and pass, so that I can logon again??
I have tryed with the Windows Logon, and Avaya Manager user/pass, but non of that workt.
I really need help with this one, because I god 3stk VM PRO serveres, there needs to be upgraded
Best regards.
Question: What are you good ad?
Answer: I'm GOOD in bed.
Yesterday I slept 9 hours.
I'm having a big problem.
We are at the moment running Core version 5.0.18, and VM Pro 5.0.25
I would like to try, to upgrade to a new core version, because of a bug in the one, we are using now.
Therefor, I have setup a virtual VM Pro, and installed VM 5.0.25, pointing against an IPO 500, with licens.
If I tryes to upgrade my VM PRO, the installations runs smooth, and there is no problems.
As soon as I try to run the VM PRO software, i'm ask to logon, to VM Pro.
I have never done this before, and never createt a username and password to the VM.
Therefor I can't logon now, and get to VM PRO to work.
What is the workaround for this, or how do I manage to create a user and pass, so that I can logon again??
I have tryed with the Windows Logon, and Avaya Manager user/pass, but non of that workt.
I really need help with this one, because I god 3stk VM PRO serveres, there needs to be upgraded
Best regards.
Question: What are you good ad?
Answer: I'm GOOD in bed.
Yesterday I slept 9 hours.