I have an IP403 system with 5 digital extensions, and run Voicemail Lite on our server.
We make use of the email feature of Voicemail such that messages are sent out to users as an attached *.wav file. This worked absolutely fine with Windows Server 2000, however we have just upgraded to Windows Server 2003 and Exchange 2003, and now the Voicemail system crashes if this email forwarding feature is used (you can literally watch it shut down as a message is left). Switch off the function, and everything works fine - it seems to be an issue of Voicemail not interracting correctly with Exchange 2003.
We are using the latest IP manager software, and I have been informed that Avaya do not support this Voicemail function nor use on Windows 2003 Server, so there is no fix. Any similar experiences or ideas to solve this?
We make use of the email feature of Voicemail such that messages are sent out to users as an attached *.wav file. This worked absolutely fine with Windows Server 2000, however we have just upgraded to Windows Server 2003 and Exchange 2003, and now the Voicemail system crashes if this email forwarding feature is used (you can literally watch it shut down as a message is left). Switch off the function, and everything works fine - it seems to be an issue of Voicemail not interracting correctly with Exchange 2003.
We are using the latest IP manager software, and I have been informed that Avaya do not support this Voicemail function nor use on Windows 2003 Server, so there is no fix. Any similar experiences or ideas to solve this?