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voice-mail challenges 2

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Mar 20, 2009

I am at the point where I have lost all confidence in people when it comes to voice mail. When I leave a message for a almost anybody, I do NOT expect them to return the call. It does not matter who the person is or what the call is about.

I think it was actually easier to get people in the 1970's than it is now. People didn't have answering machines or voice mail at all. You simply called them until they got them. And, of course, people also answered their phones.

Most people don't answer their phones nowadays, and about 75% of people do not return phone calls promptly if at all.

I often simply just call people over and over instead of leaving voice mails. Voice mail has become a waste of time most of the time.

And with the advent of caller ID, there is another very annoying pet peeve to deal with. The very few that do call me back simply ignore my instructions on the message. If I leave a message saying to call 555-1234, I expect the recipient to call that number. I do not leave a phone number for kicks--I leave a phone number for a reason. In fact, the phone number is the first thing I leave in voice mail messages; and I leave it twice. If I wanted you to call me back at the number I am calling from, I would leave you that number.

I'm totally fed up with voice mail. I have a feeling I'm not the only one.
One more thing, last October, I left someone a voice mail saying that my father had just died. I got no response. A couple weeks later, the person claimed that they never got the message. This says a great deal about the state of voice mail today.
This says a great deal about the state of voice mail today.

I dunno... I have a voicemail system at home, and I always get my messages.

Cell phone voicemail bugs me though... sometimes, I'll get a message that I have a voicemail, and the phone never rang. Go figure.

I have a NEC voicemail at home.... and it's great. No complaints.

Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."

The only problems that I've had with voice mail are when the kids of someone that I've left a voice mail for have the # to retrieve the voice mail. The kids are checking to see if their friends have phoned them and they (accidentally?) delete all other voice mails. I've never had a problem with businesses not returning phone calls.

I do have to agree that caller ID can be a pain though. Our office doesn't have individual phone numbers, just a general number. Client's see that number on their caller ID, don't check the actual message, and phone back asking to speak to whomever called. Ummm, right! We have 20 people in the office and depending on what the call was about any one of them could have called them.

gbaughma said:
...sometimes, I'll get a message that I have a voicemail, and the phone never rang. Go figure.

That sounds like how the phone system in British Columbia, Canada works. If you subscribe to voice mail through the phone company then anyone can leave a voice mail for you without having your phone ring. I use it when I'm leaving a message for my sister (who keeps different hours from me). When she picks up her phone to dial out the phone gives 3 beeps to let her know that there is a voice message for her. Depending on the cell phone provider you can also do the same thing with cell phones. It comes in handy when you know that someone is in a meeting and you don't want to disturb them.

Hope this helps.

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I have never had to deal with the problem of kids deleting voice mails. I can certainly see why it would be extremely annoying.

I'm going to start adding this to the message that I leave on people's voice mails, although that would make it too long.

"512-555-5555. This is Jim Smith. I have left you this number because I expect you to call me back at this phone number, 512-555-5555. Do not call me back at the number that is on your caller ID. I need to ask you about this....."
I rarely, if ever, leave voice mails for people at work. Our phones (Meridian) have a red light to indicate that there is a voicemail message, but some people just don't bother to play them back. You have to dial an extension, put in YOUR extension, and password, and so forth. Too many steps for some people, I guess.

My subterfuge is to send them an e-mail. As soon as I get the read receipt, I'll call them back. They are trapped. And if they don't pick up, I have been known to mosey on over to their cubicle to discuss the issue.

I only have to deal with personal voice mails from my wife, who does understand. We have no kids, so nothing gets accidentally deleted.

-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
My subterfuge is to send them an e-mail. As soon as I get the read receipt, I'll call them back. They are trapped.

Now that I like!

"We can categorically state that we have not released man-eating badgers into the area" - Major Mike Shearer
The issue I have here is that I rarely get voicemails and when I do I try to listen to them but I've forgotten the password. I call our voicemail representative to have my password reset but they never answer and never return the call. I've been here 9 months and for the last 2 months my message light mocks me by blinking incessantly. I've given up trying to get our voicemail person on the phone and they are never in their office. I'm beginning to wonder if they're actually just a mystical creature that doesn't actually exist.
Ray, does your voicemail person have e-mail? Do they have a manager? Have your manager talk to their manager. A little prodding from avove usually gets results.

-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
I've sent e-mail and cc'd both my manager and their manager. I've also sent a second e-mail to my manager and cc'd their's 2 weeks after the first e-mail letting thme know I've had no response. What's gone on beyond that I don't know other than it is still not resolved.
My sympathies. All I can suggest is to keep pressing. I honestly can't imagine that the phone guy is that busy that he can't take 30 seconds out of his day to reset your password.

-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
I can't figure it out either. I've done something that pissed him off (although I can't figure out what it could've been I've had no contact with him since I started here until this problem came up). Or he's to busy golfing to do his job. I've no clue but I will keep pressing. I've discussed this with my boss and I'm going to start sending e-mails every friday until this is done and cc one-step up in the hierarchy(not sure if that's spelled right) every week until it get's to the CEO or resolved whichever comes first. each e-mail will be a forwarded copy of the previous to they'll see the entire history. Hopefully somewhere it'll get the attention of someone that'll do something.
Well, personal grudge or not, the guy is not doing his job. You may not be endearing yourself to him, but on the other hand, I doubt you two will be exchanging Christmas cards this year. Unless he happens to be golf buddies with the CEO or something, you have nothing to lose.

-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
If you don't want someone to call the number you called them on, can you not block your phone number? Where I am, you just dial *67 (if I recall) followed by the number of the person you are calling. Your number will not appear on their caller ID - so either you will get what you expect - which is no call back - or they will only be able to contact you at the number you left in the VM.
ProbablyDown said:
If you don't want someone to call the number you called them on, can you not block your phone number? Where I am, you just dial *67 (if I recall) followed by the number of the person you are calling. Your number will not appear on their caller ID - so either you will get what you expect - which is no call back - or they will only be able to contact you at the number you left in the VM.

I don't think that is an option if you are dialing an internal extension. I've never used a PBX which allows that. That is strictly a telephone company feature.

-- Francis
I'd like to change the world, but I can't find the source code.
I think I'd be considering a walk down the the chap's desk; possibly with a tyre iron in hand.

"We can categorically state that we have not released man-eating badgers into the area" - Major Mike Shearer
Cell phone voicemail bugs me though... sometimes, I'll get a message that I have a voicemail, and the phone never rang. Go figure.
This most often happens to me when I'm not getting a cell signal when the call comes in. They leave the voice mail, and when I return to getting a signal, my phone notifies me of the message. However, the phone itself never saw the initial call.
Happens to me when I have signal. I'll get the voicemail, call back and let them know I never heard the call and I've been in the same spot the whole time. I'm sure it's a carrier issue.

[small][purple]It's never too early to begin preparing for [/purple]International Talk Like a Pirate Day
"The software I buy sucks, The software I write sucks. It's time to give up and have a beer..." - Me[/small]
So, what do you do to get people to return your phone calls? Is there a way to leave a hypnotic message?
Hi, this is HR calling about your 20% bonus. Can you please call me back ASAP on 1234 5678 so I can process the payment, because it needs to be done by lunchtime if you are to remain eligible!"

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