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Limited challenges in IT 6

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Apr 13, 2004
I have been in IT for about 10 years. For the past 5 years I have been strictly a Unix Sys Admin for a Fortune 400 company and for a gov’t contractor.

My first 5 years in IT was varied working as a general IT specialist and doing anything from networking to programming to PC repair to installing phone equipment and a voice mail system to operations.

Now all I do is Unix. For 5 years. Nothing else. Others do networking and everything is departmentalized.

I am not sure if I would be happier in IT if I was doing more like my first job where I was always busy and had my hands in everything, or if I am just tired of 10 years of IT in general.

I think about changing careers which would probably require going back to school.

One thing that doesn’t help in my current job is some big-headed, ego-inflated, ass that I have to work with. If you bring something up she has no clue about, her standard reply is, “Exactly, that is just what I was going to say.” A perfect example is something I brought up to my boss who said we would discuss it in the weekly meeting (it was about users home directories), and then miss ego, in a conference call brings it up to the big bosses (users home directory issue) and makes it sound as if she thought about it. She tried to get into a MBA program and couldn’t make it so enrolled to an online school, and then after one semester quit to announce that she was now in law school. Though she again tried to get into a real law school, she couldn’t make it, so now she is doing the online law school thing. Every time you hear her say, “well according to tort law” because she read something, or rather heard it, she doesn’t read she does her studying for her online schooling via books-on-tape [bigsmile] . I have worked with difficult people before but she takes the cake. A few months ago she wanted to go to HR to complain about our boss. Now he treats her like a golden girl, and she is the most two-faced, untrustworthy person I have ever met. She literally calls her boss “an idiot” and has made other sarcastic remarks. I wouldn’t – and don’t – trust her any farther than I could throw a tank. He constantly fuels her big head, too. He said he “promoted” her. To what I have no idea, because as far as I am aware there is no position to be moved up into. There is a project going on and she may be the “Unix Lead” but she has no authority but believes she does. But the word “promotion” bothers me because there was never any position before to move into. But this has definitely gone to her big head and increased the size threefold!! You constantly hear her exhale a deep breath – three times a minute! Like she is so overwhelmed.

I either need to get completely out of IT and into something else, but would not like a large pay cut that would come with it. Though if I was happier then it probably would be worth it. But then it would probably require going back to school, and I am not sure I want to do that. Although a class or two a semester would be okay, but not a full-time student again. I have a Master’s in education and I like different things, but I also like challenges and like changes. Unlike what I have been doing for 5 years.
Because it does and would continue giving me the best pay and wouldn’t require the deep cut that a new career would, what area of IT would offer more challenges are variety than being a Unix admin?

screwloose, i would find a job elsewhere and be done with it. its obvious management doesnt know/care about changing it. by giving her more reponsibilties, they must think she is good. it sounds like she should be fired but no one has done anything. at my current company, my boss has removed 4 people in 5 years. that may not seem like a lot, but we have a total of 6 people in the dept now. when she started 5 years ago it was just 2.

you sound very frusted about that job, not about what you do. if you really like what you do, i would switch companies first to see if its the job or what you do that you are unhappy wiht. if its your job, then going to a new one will make you happoer. if its what you do, then you will be uhappy at the new one as well and now you know time to change it up.

best of luck to you. you must be a far better person than me. i would have proably left or killed her by now. i despise those who are incompenant, i really despise those who lie. so i really dont know where i would place her.
Next time you are having a conversation with her, just use a made up word, use it alot and make it seem important. Then set back and watch her use your word and laugh.

Trying is the first step to failure
Homer Simpson
It sounds like you're in a losing situation. I'd check out monster.com soon and find another job. This sounds like one of those situations where you need to act or quit complaining. The management is not willing to fix the situation (Hell, they probably don't even know it is a situation)- you're going to have to fix it yourself. From your various posts around here, it's obvious that you've got talent. UNIX admins can still make good money in medium to large companies. A good attitude and little confidence in an interview can land you a great job.

All the best!
I agree, it sounds like it isgetting to a "you or her" type of situation. One of you will have to move on. Considering managment is so in love with her, perhaps it ought to be you. Make the decision based on how hard it is to do your job and enjoy it, enjoy the decision by imagining what happens the first time a machine boots into run level 3 or something else that would require a user to use vi >:)


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The never-completed website:
Thanks to everyone who replied. You are correct it is time to move on because the nonsense that spews from glamour girls mouth is so asinine (though it does bring a laugh at times) and for some reason the stupidity of management believes everything she says.

Another comical example is this morning I was talking to another coworker about something and mentioned there probably weren’t drivers for Unix, only Windows. It was said that glamour girl could just “write her own.” Which caused me to say, “huh?” Well apparently she tells everyone she can write Unix drivers, and writes them on her x86 Linux machine at home. Amazing, since she doesn’t know how to program in C and doesn’t understand how to even read C source code.

But that is how Wonder Woman portrays herself – the omnipotent IT guru.
GlenJohnson said:
The second time his job was outsourced to India, he gave up programming and got into teaching.

I can tell you from first-hand experience and knowledge that some of the best programming instructors out there are veterans of the programming world themselves.

One of my all time favorite programming instructors from my early college years was (and probably still is) one of the greatest minds in programming I've ever met!

Stay Cool Ya'll! [smile2]

-- Kristin

There was an older woman at my former job who, when confronted with ANY criticism technically or professionally would begin to tear up and lament about her "single mother" status. She also forced a co-worker and I to stay until 10pm on a Friday working on an EMERGENCY problem for her, only to be told on Monday "Oh all that needs changed, I'll give you the specs later this week."

The list of complaints I heard about her from others is far longer than mine. However she was there long before I was even in college, and is still there almost 3 years since I left. I still don't quite understand how people get away with that for so long. Oh wait...lawsuits, HR...

Hmmm, haaa, sigghhhh....

As has been identified, you have three issues, from your perspective...
1) Am I satisfied as a Sys Admin
2) And I can't stand being with this person
3) I am not being recognized for my skills and talent.

Think the second issue negatively clouds your judgement on the first issue, and causes the third issue. Everything pivots around the second issue.
- If she were not around, you would have less of a problem will the recognition thing.
- If she were not around, you could more objectively evaluate your life as a System Admin.

I suspect you have to solve being around "her".

You can be professional and stoic, and impartial. Do your work as best as you can. (I really feel for SQLSister - not the first time she has stated the dilema her and her department are in.)

You can use the approach, either "she goes" or "I go" which probably means that you will leave.

You may take limited action... What and which will depend on you, ethics and the support of others within your department.

Although it is hard to objective here - we only have your side of the story - from your depiction, it appears that...
- She wants to advance her career (and husband's career - side track: wonder who thought about him deciding to manage a store with apparently having zilch experience.) Based on observations: MBA, Doctor, Lawyer, Chief aspirations, and new promotion to newly created position.
- She lacks talent. Based on: MBA -> online -> drop out; technical blunders.
- She lacks ethics or scruples. Based on "takes credit", newly created position, etc.

There are some things you can do without jeprodizing anything... The CYA thing. Document "your" ideas in writing as an eMail to your boss and follow up on it.

There are some novel approaches...
- When last did you take a vacation? What would happen if you took 4 or 6 weeks off and she had to fill in for you? I mean after all, you might mention to your boss that gee, she seems to think she knows this and that. You could use this time to take a well deserved break, or upgrade or both. But it will give you a chance to get away from the problem and regain your sanity. And who knows, your problem may solve itself by the time you get back. Just make sure that if there are any problems, they can not be attributed to you. (Remeber, she has demonstrated a lack of scruples -- she may go further.) She may also not take the bait, and the get the sys admin job assigned to some one else.

I could go on, but I think you have the idea.

Oh yea, one other thing...
Because it is possible that "she" is clouding your judgement and causing other problems, I would suggest that you consider postponing any "major" decisions such as a career change until you know you are making objective decisions.
ScrewLoose I know exactly what situation you are in.
I started my career with such a manager and when moving into another job the first 3 months I worked with a complete but very annoying imbicil (cant even write the word). He thought he knew it all. That was most likely the reason that after 9 months in the job as interm manager they decided to replace him with me [smile].

If she does not go, then take that holiday and go away somewhere where things are quiet and you can think.
Write down what has been said here. What do you want to do? Now and what after retirement?

Then use the rest of your holiday to start working towards your dream!

Teaching could be it, but maybe your job is not that bad, but the place is not your place.

Maybe you wish to do something where we have a huge shortage of and is a most fantastic job in which you meet many people who always like you and accept what you say because you know it all: Auditing in IT ( This web site can help you with this kind of job. An IT auditor is usually called a TickIT auditor.

I would love to do this job. You can do it anywhere in this world. It involves IT and can extend to teaching and consulting. So I am indeed changing my career path from IT Manager to TickIT...... And the pay for consultant/auditor is not bad either + you are your own boss and can do this way after 65!

Anyway good luck with your situation!

As a wise man once said: To build the house you need the stone.
Back to the Basics!
Please indulge me again for another story that golden girl loves to tell… (after a peaceful 3-day weekend I have to deal with her again)

Apparently there is an old house on the property in the country where she and her husband live and the county (clerk, assessor, treasurer, dog catcher… whomever) has informed them that they HAVE to tear down the old house or they are going to be sued by the county.

Of course, when told that means that everyone that has old houses, barns, etc., falling down in fields nationwide would be sued, and of course what she said makes no sense, she replied, “I know, I know… but they just don’t like him and his family. So they are going to sue us if it isn’t torn down.”

And add to all her nonsense she was talking all the time last fall about building a new house and even had a house picked out and was showing everyone the online design and blueprints and said that they were going to build it. Notwithstanding that it was about 4000 sq. ft. and would have cost over ½ million, but hey in her mind they “can swing it.” Yet, she took out a loan to pay for her lawyer.com “education?”

She is the most self-centered, fat-headed, ego-inflated blowhard I have ever met! And I thought in my last job I had worked with the most self-centered (though not ego-inflated) person. This tops it!
As my signature says (although for some people it can be different materials) 'To build the house you need the stone!

Anyway, as we have all said, drop this job and find yourself a nice place to work (maybe start out for yourself?)

As a wise man once said: To build the house you need the stone.
Back to the Basics!
OMG, we basically are in the same boat, except I'm not Unix. I have the exact same co-worker problem, and I have a degree in teaching. I don't know what to do about my career either. I hope you know that you're not the only one.
Thanks CodeDeficitDisorder, hopefully you survive your coworker and decide on the direction of your career. At times it seems that learning methods and teaching strategies would be more interesting than scanning log files and creating filesystems. Sometimes the rut almost seems to want to do me in [neutral] .

Good luck.
Hi Screwloose,

Commiserations on your predicament.

Perhaps you could use some of the "lady's" habit of "Hogging the Limelight" against her. For example, you could conspire from time to time with your co-worker (the displaced SAN manager) to have a discussion within earshot of Wonder Woman/Golden Girl of impending doom if some problem is not resolved quickly. You get the idea, hopefully she will broadcast to all and sundry the imminent disaster. Before long traces of "the boy who cried wolf" will start to appear.

You should be able to concoct several doom stories that she will not know enough about but will, nevertheless, seek to be the spearhead in the solution.

Think of the satisfaction both you and your colleague will have when everyone is informed of the "Klingons off the starboard scsi array" or other such Mumbo Jumbo. Think also of the smiles that you will bring to others in your company as it is unlikely you are alone in your resentment of this individual. Eventually, she will either be shown up for what she is, or will be too afraid to say anything for fear of being ridiculed yet again.

Not very ethical, I know, but it would seem that all ethics and decency were checked at the door when Super Woman arrived.

Good luck with whatever path you should choose.


I was in an identical situation 4 years ago, I had worked as the Project Manager on a very important and very expensive project for a major international airline. After putting in all the hardwork and getting the project ontime and under budget to a position that it would now be rolled out across the company.
I lost the project lead to the nephew of the MD, who knew absolutlely zip.....

my solution after putting up with what you are putting up with was to resign from the company and because like you I thought that it maybe was time for a change in career, I moved myself and wife to another country and got a job managing a small country pub.
After 6 months of this, I was re-invigorated and realised that IT was where I wanted to be for the rest of my career, so I re-joined the IT workforce in a contract/consultant capacity and have never been happier.....

What I am getting at is that sometime you need to make a total change (ie: IT to running a pub) so that you can get totally away from all the issues, immerse yourself in a different life and re-assess everything, then you will find out what it is that truely inspires you

Good Luck

PS: for myself, six months after I left the airline, guess who was on the phone requesting my return so that I could save the project as the budget had now blown out to almost double and they were now months behind schedule, my response was pretty much 'you made your choices, now deal with it'
You know the one things in common I notice with all these stories... the word "she". No offence to women cause I know some kick a$$ female programmers and administrators but there seems to be a token female like this in every company, whether it's Accounting or IT.

IT itself is a very male dominated profession. My guess is that the US government, at least, gives tax breaks to companies who hire female employees to their IT department. Remember, HR wants to hire inside the company first, realizes that no one will take a demotion, and sees miss token secretary gone IT taking the initiative to learn about computers. So now token secretary is in a supervisory position in IT. What they fail to see is that on a scale of 1 to 100, token secretary only rates about a 5 or 10. She's what I call a dangerous user, someone who knows just enough to be dangerous. You know, the kind of user that you take extra special precaution in locking down because you know she'll have Kazaa and Weather Bug installed on her computer in no time.

Sometimes companies are willing to take less in experience if they can get more money back from the government. After all money is more important then a job well down in this day and age.

There are no tax breaks for hiring women in IT departments in the US. And although this thread point out some females, there are plenty of other posts that point out ineffective male supervisors. I'm not saying IT departments don't make inappropriate appointments sometimes, I'm saying female has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Pain is stress leaving the body.

DoubleD [bigcheeks]
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