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VMRegistry - Decrypting SMTPPassword failed error in VMPro 4

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Mar 10, 2004

Found the root cause for this error. This error shows up in the dbgout.txt trace file stored in the root of c:\ and if you are getting it, your voicemail to email is probably not working.

When you set up Voicemail Pro to do vm-email, the settings for everything get stored in the registry. I have been fighting with getting this to work way too much since about v8.1. I had given up on my production system and finally, after setting up a new system internally did I see what was happening.

During the configuration, the password for SMTP authentication gets encrypted in the registry.

On my new 9.1 lab system, which was working correctly, I dug into the registry, copied and pasted the encrypted hash into my production system which was using the same SMTP server settings, only it was not working. BTW, the hash on the 9.0 system was similar but not the same as the 9.1 system that worked.

After restarting the vmpro service, voila! my 9.0 system is now sending out voicemail to emails correctly.

What is also interesting, a third system I was working on also was having this problem, however, when I went to inspect the registry, it was not encrypted, hence the error message in dbgout.txt. I used the same SMTP settings on that system, pasted my hashed password into the registry and it started working perfectly.

I've also posted a somewhat more verbose version of this on my blog at phoneprogrammer.net
Excellent digging on this and resolution....

many thanks for your explanation and findings
Quick update, we use sendgrid for our customers that don't have their own smtp server had to change a main password and it caused havoc with everyone

This worked for me on a 2008 server, First I created a backup of



then I deleted VPIM... then I restarted the service, (vmpro closed) then went in and reentered the information and it all started working properly

this seems to be a good way to handle it in the event you dont have a working password to copy over. Proceed at your own risk

Sweet! What a good idea. I'm going to try that right away.
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