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VisualAge 5.0/LUM License Enrollment 2

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Jun 17, 2001
I have installed VisualAge 5.0 on a machine running AIX 4.3.3. The installation went ok but as far as enrolling the license using LUM I am having much difficulty. I have used i4cfg -script to configure LUM various different ways and use i4blt to enroll the license from the vacpp_xx.lic files. Sometimes I can get the license to enroll successfully but when I try to compile something the system still complains about having no licenses. Is there something I am missing? Any help would be appreciated. I don't have much hair left!

I placed some notes in another thread "C for AIX4.4 compiler installation". I also tried the methods mentioned in there to no avail. Help!
In (/usr/vac or /var/ifor) there are several scripts. 2 of them (1 for nodelock, 1 for something else) contain a call to the program called "i4blt" I think. All I did in the past after opening up a PMR with IBM is edit one of these (depending on the license I had), install the fully qualified path before "i4blt", changed a few variables (Put my name as the license owner, etc), and then ran the script.

Try that out. I hope there is enough information to get you in the right direction.

These are the steps we follow....ARe you sure you have the latest patches for IFOR and lum? Maybe a step was missed? Read through it and see...If you find a solution , please let us know...You may end up calling IBM if you still have problems...
IBM C for AIX Installation


Check that the following prerequisite software is installed on the RS/6000 computer getting the C compiler.

1.Run the following commands to determine if the prerequisite software is installed:
lslpp -h bos.adt.include
lslpp -h bos.adt.lib
lslpp -h bos.adt.libm
2.Optionally, check for the graphical package that will allow graphical maintenance utilities to run:
lslpp -h X11.base.rte

If any packages list above are not installed, stop here and install these from the original operating system


The IBM C for AIX uses a new, different license manager called LUM. LUM software is
available on the CDROM.

1.Log in as root.
2.Run the following commands:
installp -acd /tmp/ibmc/bosnet.ncs -XFq all
installp -acd /tmp/ibmc/iforls.bas -XFq all
installp -acd /tmp/ibmc/iforls.com -XFq all
installp -acd /tmp/ibmc/iforlsen.msg -XFq all
3.New paths to the license server commands were added to the system .profile file. Log out now to have them take effect at the next login:
Remove IBM C for AIX version 3.1

If you have IBM C for AIX version 3.1 installed, remove it now.

1.Log in as root.
2.Run the command smit.
3.Click on Software Installation and Maintenance.
4.Click on Software Maintenance and Utilities.
5.Click on Remove Installed Software.
6.The remove installed software dialog box will appear
7.Click on the List button next to Software Name.
8.In the SOFTWARE name list, click on all items that begin with xlC., except for xlC.rte.
9.Click on OK to remove the software list box.
10.Select No in the Preview only? (remove operation will NOT occur).
11.Click on OK to remove the old C compiler.
12.It will ask to confirm the removal. Click on OK.
13.Wait for the operation to complete.
14.Click on Done.
15.Click on Cancel.
16.Click on Exit -> Exit Smit.

Also, remove the old license certificate from the nodelock file.

1.Log in as root.
2.Edit the file /var/ifor/nodelock and remove the two licenses for the C compiler. Leave the Fortran
compiler lines intact.
Install IBM C for AIX

Now we're finally getting to the installation of the new C compiler.

1.Log in as root.
2.Run the command xinstallm.
3.Click on Directory to select the product installation directory.
4.Inside the Please enter the full path to the directory containing the software to install box, enter
5.Click on OK.
6.Three products should appear in the Software for Installation box.
7.Click on the following products. The attention to only selecting U.S. English is the only reason that the entire products are not installed:
8.Click on Install.
9.Wait for the operation to complete.
10.The installation will have a failure. Carefully check the log file and make sure that the failure was only caused by foreign language support files failing to install. Otherwise, the installation really was successful.
11.Click on Exit.

Setting up license services

The LUM license manager needs adjusting to handle nodelocked licenses, and to automatically start when the system boots.

1.Log in as root.
2.Run the command i4config.
3.A license manager configuration tool window will appear.
4.Of the four choices for license service, click on Nodelocked License Server (NodLS) and click off the other three entries.
5.Switch to the tab labeled Start up.
6.Click on Start services at system startup.
7.Close the window. A dialog box will appear saying Do you want to save changes?. Click Yes.
8.A new dialog box may come up asking to start the new configuration. Click OK.

The license server needs starting:

1.Log in as root.
2.Run the command i4cfg -start.

Installing license codes

The best part of the new C compiler is that the license codes are included on the CDROM and it is no longer necessary to call or e-mail IBM for codewords. Install the codes now.

1.Log in as root.
2.Run the command i4blt.
3.A basic license tools window will appear.
4.Click on Products -> Enroll product....
5.Inside the Enroll Product dialog box, click on Import....
6.Inside the Import dialog box, transverse to the directory /usr/vac and click on c50aix_cn.lic.
7.Click OK.
8.Click OK.
9.An Enroll Licenses dialog box will appear.
10.Fill out the Company and Address fields as appropriate.
11.In the Enrolled licenses field, I put 50.
12.Click on OK.
13.A cool graphic showing 50 licenses should show up on the main screen.
14.Click on Products -> Exit.

Putting cc into the path

Some unknown IBM wisdom has proclaimed that the new compiler will not be available unless the user puts /usr/vac/bin into their path. But, thanks also to IBM's wisdom, an optional script file is available to put cc into the main path if desired by the administrator. I do desire this. So, to add cc to the main path, perform the following:

1.Log in as root.
2.Run the command /usr/vac/bin/replaceCSET.


Run tests to make sure that everything is installed okay, and that C and Fortran are cooperating:

1.Log in as yourself.
2.Compile a basic C program with cc sample.c -lm:

Spinning license manager

The license manager has a bug where it goes into a spin loop. Turn off the license manager.

1.Log in as root.
2.Change to the directory /var/ifor.
3.Stop the running license manager, enter ./i4cfg -stop.

Modify the auto-startup feature.

1.Start the configuration program with ./i4cfg.
2.Switch to the tab labeled Start up.
3.Click off Start services at system startup.
4.Close the window. A dialog box will appear saying Do you want to save changes?. Click Yes.
5.A new dialog box may come up asking to start the new configuration. Click OK.
Make a change to the configuration file for the C compiler.

1.Edit the file /etc/vac.cfg.
2.Go to the section that begins with common definitions near the bottom.
3.At the end of the line for options, add the switch -qnolm.
4.Write out the new configuration file.

Run the C compiler tests again to make sure the configuration was successfully changed.
For LUM 4.5
To add the license to the server, run the following command :-

/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f {license file} -R u -T {number of licenses}

example :-

/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f /usr/vac/c44aix_cn.lic -R u -T 5

sites for IBM floating license, Nodelock license and LUM manuals:

Thankyou for replying.
I have the following installed:
root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $ lslpp -l|grep ifor
bos.ifor_ls.client OBSOLETE iFOR/LS License System Client
bos.rte.ifor_ls COMMITTED iFOR/LS Libraries
ifor_ls.base.cli COMMITTED License Use Management Runtime
ifor_ls.client.base COMMITTED License Use Management Client
ifor_ls.client.gui COMMITTED License Use Management Client
ifor_ls.compat.cli COMMITTED License Use Management
ifor_ls.base.cli COMMITTED License Use Management Runtime
ifor_ls.client.base COMMITTED License Use Management Client
ifor_ls.compat.cli COMMITTED License Use Management
root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $
vacpp.Dt.common COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Desktop
vacpp.Dt.dax COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Data Access
vacpp.Dt.help COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Help Desktop
vacpp.Dt.ide COMMITTED VisualAge C++ IDE Desktop
vacpp.Dt.ipf COMMITTED VisualAge C++ IPFX Desktop
vacpp.Dt.perf COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Performance
vacpp.Dt.techide COMMITTED VisualAge C++ IDE Tech Preview
vacpp.Dt.vb COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Visual Builder
vacpp.cmp.C COMMITTED VisualAge C++ C Compiler
vacpp.cmp.aix43.lib COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Libraries for
vacpp.cmp.batch COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Batch Compiler
vacpp.cmp.core COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Compiler
vacpp.cmp.extension COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Extension
vacpp.cmp.include COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Compiler Include
vacpp.cmp.incremental COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Incremental
vacpp.cmp.lib COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Libraries
vacpp.cmp.rte COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Compiler
vacpp.cmp.tools COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Tools
vacpp.dax.adt COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Data Access
vacpp.dax.rte COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Data Access
vacpp.html.DBCS COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.EN_US COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.SBCS COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.common COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.en_US COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.help COMMITTED VisualAge C++ HTML Help Engine
vacpp.ide COMMITTED VisualAge C++ IDE
vacpp.lic COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Licence Files
vacpp.memdbg.lib COMMITTED VisualAge C++ User Heap and
vacpp.memdbg.rte COMMITTED VisualAge C++ User Heap and
vacpp.msg.en_US.cmp.batch COMMITTED VisualAge Batch Compiler C++
vacpp.msg.en_US.cmp.core COMMITTED VisualAge Compiler C++
vacpp.msg.en_US.cmp.tools COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Tools
vacpp.msg.en_US.html.help COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Help Engine
vacpp.msg.en_US.ide COMMITTED VisualAge C++ IDE
vacpp.msg.en_US.rescmp COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Resource
vacpp.msg.en_US.vb COMMITTED Visual Builder Messages--U.S.
vacpp.pdf.common COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.pdf.en_US COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.rescmp COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Resource
vacpp.samples.vb COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Visual Builder
vacpp.tutorial.common COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Tutorial --
vacpp.tutorial.en_US COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Tutorial -- U.S.
vacpp.vb.adt COMMITTED Visual Builder Toolkit
vacpp.vb.include COMMITTED Visual Builder Include Files
vacpp.vb.lib COMMITTED Visual Builder Libraries
vacpp.vb.rte COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Visual Builder
vatools.html.help COMMITTED VisualAge Tools HTML Help
vatools.lpex.editor COMMITTED VisualAge Tools LPEX Editor COMMITTED VisualAge Tools LPEX Editor
vatools.perf.aix43.lib COMMITTED VisualAge Tools Performance
vatools.perf.analyzer COMMITTED VisualAge Tools Performance
vatools.sg COMMITTED VisualAge Tools SmartGuide
vacpp.Dt.common COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Desktop
vacpp.Dt.dax COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Data Access
vacpp.Dt.help COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Help Desktop
vacpp.Dt.ide COMMITTED VisualAge C++ IDE Desktop
vacpp.Dt.ipf COMMITTED VisualAge C++ IPFX Desktop
vacpp.Dt.perf COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Performance
vacpp.Dt.techide COMMITTED VisualAge C++ IDE Tech Preview
vacpp.Dt.vb COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Visual Builder
vacpp.cmp.core COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Compiler
vacpp.html.DBCS COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.EN_US COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.SBCS COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.common COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.en_US COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Documentation
vacpp.html.help COMMITTED VisualAge C++ HTML Help Engine
vatools.html.help COMMITTED VisualAge Tools HTML Help
root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $

Shouldn't I be able to enroll the licence and compile(without license warning) even if I don't have the very latest filesets?

When I configure LUM as a nodelocked license server should there be any output from i4tv?
I always get:
root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $ i4tv
i4tv Version 4.5.9 AIX -- LUM Test and Verification Tool
(c) Copyright 1995-2000, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
(c) Copyright 1991-1997, Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved
(c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved

?(ls_tv) request_license: No servers available for this vendor.
Active License Servers:
No servers found
Active Central Registry License Server:
No Central Registry License Server found
root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $

but it appears in:

root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $ i4blt -ln
i4blt Version 4.5.9 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool
(c) Copyright 1995-2000, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
(c) Copyright 1991-1997 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved
(c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved

=== S e r v e r s ===

Server Name: Nodelocked License Server
Target ID: 41042c0
Target Type: IBM/AIX
Server Type: NodeLocked


=== End of Server List ===
root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $

The license also appears in:

root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $ vacpp_cn.lic
i4blt Version 4.5.9 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool
(c) Copyright 1995-2000, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
(c) Copyright 1991-1997 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved
(c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved

ADM-10099: Product successfully enrolled
root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $ i4blt -lp
i4blt Version 4.5.9 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool
(c) Copyright 1995-2000, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
(c) Copyright 1991-1997 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved
(c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved

=== P r o d u c t s ===

Vendor Name: IBM Software Solutions Toronto
Vendor ID: 5da54a553b4c.
Product Name: VisualAge C++ Professional
Product Version: 5.0.cn
Product ID: 1099
Licenses: 50
In Use Licenses: 0

=== End of Product List ===
root @ dvt995[/var/ifor] $

Even with this info contained in LUM the compiler still complains about the license.

Sorry about the large entry but I am wasting too much time on this and am getting desparate....


Well with one of the filesets for Ifor being obsolete........that may be part of your problem......... I know that Ifor had to be up to date with the latest and greatest and not have older versions on the system ...which the obsolete is...............
You may have to call IBM on this to get it settled fast.......If I were a guessing person,
I would say it is because your LUM or IFOR is inconsistent. In earlier versions of AIX and the new compilers. They warned to remove all old filesets for IFOR and have only the newer versions.. of certain filesets on the system......

I am sorry....maybe someone else knows. If you are in a hurry, a quick call to IBM
may enable you to get it resolved...There are also new patches for C++.

Thankyou for your help aixqueen. I have just found out that LUM 4.5.9 should be updated to 4.6.0 for VisualAge 5.0.
Additionally, two licenses need to be installed for my case because when using the xlc component of VisualAge it actually needs a cforaix license instead of just using the vacpp license. I have enrolled both licenses and have no warnings appearing now even though I still have LUM 4.5.9. Thankyou again for your help.
thank you for letting us know what was missing...the fileset was actually c for aix and it was with your c package?
Glad it worked for you.
hi queen
I also had faced nearly the same problems in this regard.
IBM have provided two C CDs and and we have purchased
two nodelock licenses.
On one node we successfully imported the licenses(while
using i4blt in graphices mode)but on the other node
graphical version of i4blt did not work but with
command line"i4blt -a -f Licensefile -T 10"
the "product successfully enroled" appear but licensing
error message still appearing.
I think acc to you i missed U option with command line.
But IBM champion Guy said u have to use the other CD
for the second node....How illogical!He also said
IBM does not work on logics.....
Is there anything correct in his sugesstion?

hey all
My question still remained Unawnserwable!
Guide me!
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