I am a self-taught programmer and I am stuck. I need to understand how to use option buttons to manipulate the data from it's corresponding textbox. I really need to breach this barrier I am having with option buttons, it will really make my applications much more felxible and user friendly.
Application Description: This application calculates an unknown encoding video bitrate. The unknown encoding video bitrate is determined based upon the specifications the user inputs into the calculator.
My form has 4 textboxes. 1 of the textboxes the user does not interface with because the "Unknown Encoded Video Bitrate" is calculated into that textbox for the user to see, so he/she knows at what bitrate to encode the video.
The other three text boxes are as follows: 1.) Encoding Audio Bitrate, 2.) Video Length Time . . . (3 option buttons included to this textbox for seconds, minutes, and hours), 3.) Encoded Video Size . . . (3 option buttons included to this textbox for Kb, Mb, and Gb).
Then their is the cmdCalculate_Click() event button to calculate the user's inputed data.
I need to understand and learn how to code my cmdCalculate_Click() event with the textbox option buttons.
Here is my current working code: (Note that this code obviously has no option buttons attached to it. The "Video Length Time" textbox MUST be inputted as Seconds, and the "Encoded Video Size" textbox MUST be inputted as Kb.)
I need to learn how to declare my option buttons and code them into my cmdCalculate_Click() event.
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
txtEVB.Text = Format((Val(txtEVS.Text) - txtEAB.Text * (2048 / 2018) * (Val(txtVLT.Text) / 8)) / ((2048 / 2018) * (Val(txtVLT.Text) / 8)), "###,##0.0"
End Sub
Thanks you in advance for all help. I really need to get this down!
-- Matthew
Application Description: This application calculates an unknown encoding video bitrate. The unknown encoding video bitrate is determined based upon the specifications the user inputs into the calculator.
My form has 4 textboxes. 1 of the textboxes the user does not interface with because the "Unknown Encoded Video Bitrate" is calculated into that textbox for the user to see, so he/she knows at what bitrate to encode the video.
The other three text boxes are as follows: 1.) Encoding Audio Bitrate, 2.) Video Length Time . . . (3 option buttons included to this textbox for seconds, minutes, and hours), 3.) Encoded Video Size . . . (3 option buttons included to this textbox for Kb, Mb, and Gb).
Then their is the cmdCalculate_Click() event button to calculate the user's inputed data.
I need to understand and learn how to code my cmdCalculate_Click() event with the textbox option buttons.
Here is my current working code: (Note that this code obviously has no option buttons attached to it. The "Video Length Time" textbox MUST be inputted as Seconds, and the "Encoded Video Size" textbox MUST be inputted as Kb.)
I need to learn how to declare my option buttons and code them into my cmdCalculate_Click() event.
Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
txtEVB.Text = Format((Val(txtEVS.Text) - txtEAB.Text * (2048 / 2018) * (Val(txtVLT.Text) / 8)) / ((2048 / 2018) * (Val(txtVLT.Text) / 8)), "###,##0.0"
End Sub
Thanks you in advance for all help. I really need to get this down!
-- Matthew