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Vista Network Internet Connectivity.

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Aug 9, 2005
I have two computers One is running XP pro and a new one running vista. After asigning them to workgroup and going through all the gyrations in Vista to network them the following occurs. You have no internet connectivity. I can ping the default gateway, I can ping back and forth to each machine, I can see into each machine from the other, I can print just fine but I can't connect to the internet. In addition it also kills the XP machine no internet connectivity there either. I have restarted the routher and machines in sequence to see if it could be ip or DNS related but those settings seem fine as well. THis is my first real tussle with Vita. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I went 'round and 'round with some of these same issues. I had somewhat of a unique setup: XP as host, a Vista client and a Linux client, with the XP host using a cellular modem for internet (I live in the boonies with not much available for Internet services). But, what I wanted to do was use my Vista laptop as host for ICS and the XP and Linux as clients. Nothing I tried worked, nothing anyone suggested worked. The solution? I upgraded the XP machine to Vista and everything works fine with the same settings I was trying before. That doesn't mean I'm still not p***ed. So, there's still something beyond LLTD, and normal TCIP issues between XP and Vista. I have a limited amount of time to mess with this stuff, so I opted for the upgrade (which I did only after reading "Windows Vista Inside Out" and seeing nothing that would help me solve this issue...... been working on this for several weeks now). And, were it not for the student discount on Vista, I would've considered a Mac or Linux on all three of my machines. :) Sorry... now I'm sounding like all the other Linux and Mac fanboys.

....but, ya know, my Linux machine IS working pretty well these days. ;)

So, I'm not sure how much help this is, but I'm just letting you know there's a possibility you'll be struggling with this for quite awhile without the upgrade. As time goes by, I think there will be several worthwhile tutorials for setting XP and Vista up to play nice together on a network. You should figure this out and write it. :)
Are you using Automatically obtained or Static IP Addresses? Are the correct DNS Server IP Addresses being used if you have Static IP Addresses?

The only other common denominator from your post is the Router, are the setting there correct? You should be able to access the Router by typing the IP Address of it into your Browser and logging in to it (Router) at a Password prompt.
I can access my router using the IP address in the browser. I have been reading on Microsoft that there has been issues with router compatability. I believe I am going to try that next.
Well folks, I think I am in somewhat of the same Boat.

I have an AMD 3500 with 1 Gig of ram that works just fine with XP Pro.

The way I put my computer together, gives me the ability to just unplug one HD and plug in another, and BINGO, I can change from running XP to running VISTA ULTIMATE.

Only thing is, VISTA ULTIMATE does NOT see my High Speed Internet until, and unless I re-boot the cable modem.

OK, I'll get a new Cable Modem, I DID. NO DIFF.
(Went from a BEST DATA (something) to a LINKSYS (Something else)

OK, I'll get a new router, I DID, NO DIFF.
(Upgraded to a NETGEAR WMPT834)

I only fire up Vista when I want to see if it will work.

Well, so far, it doesn't.

Oh, and every time I do fire it up, it finds a KAZILLION Updates to load. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?

It WILL NOT RUN the program I use to make a living. AND - It does not run the software for my NEW LOGITECH WEB CAM.

So, I am really thinking about a MAC. But of course, I have my doubts about that as well.

I guess my question is, was VISTA really designed to work?

Or, does VISTA require us to purchase all new HARDWARE, and forget about using our applications?

I am just not sure this is the way to the future.

In fact, I think this will be Microsoft's downfall.

Everyone likes to bash MS, but there are a couple of points that I would like to make that seems to be forgotten quite often. MS provides information to both software & hardware manufacturers about how those things are expected to interact with the operating system. If the the hardware & software manufacturers choose not to follow those guidelines or write drivers for this particular OS, it's not really MS's fault.

Now with that said, have you checked for updated drivers & software for the webcam? And what exactly is "the program I use to make a living" - have you tried running it in compatibility mode or finding out if the manufaucture is planning on updating it so it will run under Vista?
Vista says it went out and got those drivers, then, once I try to use the Web Cam, it says it is incompatible. On that I will visit Logitech's website and see if they have or will update the drivers anymore.

The program I make my living with is one that interfaces the Telephone Systems I have to dial into. And yes, I spoke with the Manufacturer, and NO they do not intend to update it in any way.

I have one more trick I am going to try, and if that doesn't work, then Vista will not be used for my "WORK" computer.

Just a couple of links involving the Logitech Webcam.

Error 1722 when installing Camera

This might be worth a read too.

How to troubleshoot a program that does not run as expected after it is installed on Windows Vista
Back to the original problem for a sec,

have you tried some of the networking fixes that are going around? I was having problems streaming music and having very slow internet access. Have a look at my thread: thread1583-1429934, try it out... I did write it in one of the posts but forgot to add it to the last post: Disable IPv6, it might be whats coursing problems with your router.

does your tel software come up with any errors when you try to install/run it? Anything about missing dll's? I take it you have tried to run the program with "Run as Administrator" and set the compatibility mode to XP or 2k?
Yup, done that.

No errors it just doesn't hand shake with a modem.

My next trick is to install a newer modem that is supposedly VISTA Compatible.

After that, I will try an EXTERNAL one, using the SERIAL PORT 'cause the DIRECT CONNECT with a Serial port DOES WORK.

Thanx for the response.

It is funny that every one (including myself) is having a go at Vista, saying that XP is better... I remember what XP was like when it first came out. Before SP1, XP was a nightmare just the same as Vista now (maybe worse?). There were loads of driver issues and the OS would crash almost every day... IE wouldn't download files on some systems. Password/login problems with the screen saver was annoying, would have loads of work open (3-4 hours+) go off to get lunch and come back to a login screen, put the password in and get a "wrong password" msg every time, all you could do was to restart and loose all of the work. Hibernate was a gamble (well still is)... It had loads of back doors (msblast to name one)...

I wouldn't rate an OS until after its first SP.

The driver and hardware issues with Vista are not as bad as Linux, I still haven't got some to work with printers/scanners or even NICs and modems...

anyway, try a "Vista compatible" modem. Could you post back to say if it works?

I will, I did purchase one, but have not had time to putz with it.

I also want to try and external, but again, not enough time to get to Radio Shuck and get a 9VAC Adapter.

I have just been covered up with work lately.

Funny, I thought I retired.

And when I retired, I thought I would have tons of time.

But alas, all of my time seems to belong to other people now.

Other things to try with your Vista pc (I LOVE Vista. Have not had any problems. Came with my new laptop).

1) Shutdown the intermodem
2) Connect the pc directly to the internet modem.
3) Once the modem has re-initialized and the pc has booted, open a command prompt (You'll need Admin level for the following). Do an ipconfig and press return. Are you getting an ip address listed? IF so, is it what you expect to see (esp. if it's a static IP address). If you use DHCP to obtain an IP Address, type: ipconfig /release and press enter
4) type: ipconfig /renew and press enter.

You should now have an IP Address. Can you connect to the internet? Still no? Then do the ipconfig /release. Shut down your pc. Leave it off for a few seconds and reboot. Try accessing the internet.

IF you DO get to the internet, sounds like a coonfig issue with the router.

Hmm.. i'm not really sure what a Vista 'compatible' modem or router means. All they do is pass internet traffic back and fourth.

Sounds like a configuration or security issue to me. Like I said, I have Vista on a laptop and have had very few problems.
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