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Visible code on webpage

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May 24, 1999
I am having a sporadic problem on certain pages of my site.<br>
Mostly in IE4 (& lower) and sometimes Netscape...there will be visible html code at the bottom of the page &/or the last part of the page will be gone. The majority of the time it will be perfect in Netscape, though.<br>
This only happens on a page that was already uploaded, then changed and uploaded again. If I rename the file it goes up fine!<br>
I use Dreamweaver and hand-code, & ftp to a Unix server. When I view the remote file on the server the code is sound & all there.<br>
Is this a problem with server 'push'? I have seen this on other sites too.<br>
Any info on this annoying problem is greatly appreciated.
The only cases I have sen that show visible code is when you have forgotten to close a tag somewhere. Check what code is visible, then go to your source code and look at all the &lt;&gt;'s.<br>
John Vogel
Thank you both very much for your input...<br>
As far as the unclosed tags - Dreamweaver highlights any mistakes - especially unclosed tags - in bright yellow - so that's not the problem. It is fairly idiot-proof.<br>
What's weird is that the pages are perfect 90% of the time in Netscape 3, & the worst in IE4/5.<br>
I maintain 3 other pages at 3 different server hosts & only have this problem on this particular company's server.<br>
I'm am at a loss.
umm...I've seen this problem <b>MANY</b> times in my on-line experiences. Believe it or not; the Internet is <b><i><span style=color:red>NOT</span></i></b> perfect and sometimes characters <u>DO</u> get lost in downloading....normally clicking &quot;Reload&quot; or &quot;Refresh&quot; will correct the problem for you, though. <p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>*nix installation & program collector/reseller. Contact me if you think you've got one that I don't :)
These certain pages show up wrong the same way every time they load. (It's not the whole site - just a few important pages) Refreshing in Netscape usually makes it worse or the part that was missing shows up with a lot of gibberish. Refreshing in IE doesn't help - it stays the same.<br>
I maintain 3 other websites and upload to 3 other host servers & never have this problem with them. Weird.<br>
I am in contact with this particular host, but am not hopeful that they will help. They just e mailed me back and asked if I was viewing the page(s) through a proxy server - which I am not.<br>
Perfection is not my goal - just having my pages look right would be nice ;} <br>
Thanks. jen
One page that has trouble mainly in Netscape is:<br>
<A HREF=" TARGET="_new">Try hitting reload a few times.<br>
Another that just cuts off is:<br>
<A HREF=" TARGET="_new">and the html file on the remote side if viewed through ftp is complete. If you view source in the browser it is cut off.<br>
There are a few others, but why beat a dead horse?<br>
If you can let me know what browser(s) you used and the results that would be great.<br>
My host server company is looking into this also. I can't wait to hear what they have to say.<br>
On the first page I found some problems (it only displayed up to the first 3 lines of the table). Try changing your comment tag from &lt;! &gt; to &lt;!--- ---&gt;. This is more preferred by browsers. Also, instead of FONT SIZE=-2 add quotes around the -2. Finally, there is no ALIGN=MIDDLE. It should be ALIGN=CENTER. The second page loaded fine. I am using NN 4.7.<br>
hope this helps.<br>
Thanks so much...<br>
To be honest, I did not create the Nitrate Net part of the page - it was contracted out. That is where most of the trouble is.<br>
I will take your advice and just remove the comments. I had never heard of Align=middle either so I will change that.<br>
The second page is mine & for me it cuts off on the second paragraph - midsentence. Did it go all the way to the bottom of the page - It should say, &quot;For more info....&quot; and then a Back link at the very bottom?<br>
I appreciate your time<br>
While I have problems with the first page, the second page I had no problems. The first page problems seem to be because the the browser does not get the whole page. I am wondering if the server is somehow timing out before it sends the full page. Is there anyway you can e-mail me a full copy of the page at <A HREF="mailto:jsauce@net1plus.com">jsauce@net1plus.com</A><br>
That way I can take a full look at the page, since anytime I try to get a look at it I cannot get all the HTML, and that by the way is the reason that you get OPEN HTML on the pages. If the page is not being fully loaded that some of the code is being opened but not closed. <p>John D. Saucier<br><a href=mailto:jsauce@net1plus.com>jsauce@net1plus.com</a><br><a href= Backup</a><br>
I went out there with IE5 and it cut off in the middle of the word &quot;historic&quot;... When I hit refresh, it showed the code for the rest of the page... I've never seen anything like this before.....<br>
Maybe you could try getting rid of that &lt;meta&gt; tag... It encodes the page in an ISO character set, and I believe most pages are set in the Windows character set... <p>Doug Trocino<br><a href=mailto:dtrocino@tecumsehgroup.com>dtrocino@tecumsehgroup.com</a><br><a href= Forums</a><br>Web Application Developer<br>
Tecumseh Group, Inc.<br>
Sponsors of Tek-Tips Forums<br>
Thank you all for your advice with this, I took most of it: got rid of meta tags, and fixed some other things. This really did not make much of a difference.<br>
I had a long conversation with a Unix tech at the host company. He said the problem was on my end & to upload everything in binary mode & that would solve the problem which it did not. I have not changed my ftp methods for over a year, so something on their end must have gone south.<br>
I looked at the page Sat. morning & all the problems were still there. Then Monday morning everything loaded perfectly! I got an email from them asking how things were working, but not stating that they changed something on their end. I wish I knew what they did, even though they won't admit it. Oh well....<br>
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