I am somewhat new to SQL Server(6.5) and it doesnt seem like it's possible to do what i want to do. Hopefully i'm wrong. For a typical report in my VB application i need to access information from 4 to 6 tables. From most of these tables all i need is to get one piece of info pointed to by a foreign key column in the load table. For example a load has columns vendorrec, sortsrec, destinationrec and from the vendor, sort, and destination tables i simply need to join to the name column in those tables. That part is easy enough. There is also a logs table. for one record in the load table there might be hundreds of log records, or there might be none. All i need to know from the log table is whether or not there are any logs for a given load record. I know how to formulate the outer join querey to return (null) if there are no log records for a load and return a record for each log record if there are logs. what i would like to be able to do is return MIN() of the log rec column in a join querey, but to do that all the columns have to be aggregated or grouped by. With the number of columns in a typical querey this results in running out of worktables. Does anyone know of a way to create a view or some other kind of a querey that will return a record for each load record, with the first log record associated with that load (each log record has a column loadsrec, which is a foreign key to the rec column in the loads table) or (null) if there are none. I have only talked about a few representative columns i need to get info from to keep this question as simple as possible. There are actually about 15 -20 columns in an average querey, most of them from the loads table. so trying to do a join querey and group by every column will not work. Thank you in advance for any help. <br>