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View / Edit SQL Table from web page

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Mar 4, 2004

I want to set up an inventory table in my client database so I can keep track of stock @ client sites. there could be anything from 5 - 500 enteries for each client & i need to be able to view & edit this from a web page easilly.

Can anyone recommend an easy way? I'm using ADO & ASP already. Ideally something like spreadsheet like you see in programs such as enterprise manager which can insert records as well as view would be great.

John R.
i recently posted a thread on a table updater/viewer
search the forum for it, you plug in a few variables and the form is ready to run. it lists the db contents, and edit buttons, then you do a single record edit.

aKa - Robert
hmmm .. seems i cant find that thread i was referring to so here's the code :

please note, this page can be a security hole, so make sure you store it well and put some authentication on it
Response.Expires = 0
Response.Buffer = True
' [green]Connection/Table Variables[/green]
Connection = "dsn=blah;"
IdField = "ID"

' [green]Data Settings [/green]
NumericTypes = "2,3,4,5,6,17,72,128,131"
TruthTypes = "11"
DataTypes = "128,129,130,200,201,202,203,204,205"
DateTypes = "135"
DateChar = "#"
' [green]DateChar is the Date Qualifyer for your DataSource, SQL uses single quote, MS Access uses #[/green]
	<title>Record Editor</title>

Set Con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Con.Open Connection
SQL = "Select * From [" & TableName & "] Order by " & IdField ' [green]this may need to be altered for pagination if you have large tables[/green]
Set RS = Con.Execute(SQL)
If Not RS.EOF Then ' [green]this check is here just for empty tables, you may want to juggle things around a little[/green]
  If Request("Action") = "Save" AND Request("ID") <> "" Then
    Dim SaveSQL(0)
    SaveSQL(0) = "Update [" & TableName & "] Set "
    For each Element in Request.Form
      If Element = "ID" Then
        SqlCondition = " Where [" & IDField & "]=" & Request(Element) ' [green]Leading Space is important, dont remove[/green]
        FieldName = Mid(Element,4)
        If Left(Element,3) = "Txt" Then
          If Request(element) <> "" Then
            SaveSQL(0) = SaveSQL(0) & "[" & FieldName & "]='" & Replace(Request(Element),"'","''") & "', "
            SaveSQL(0) = SaveSQL(0) & "[" & FieldName & "]=NULL, "
          End If
        ElseIf Left(Element,3) = "Num" Then
          If Request(element) <> "" Then
            SaveSQL(0) = SaveSQL(0) & "[" & FieldName & "]=" & Request(Element) & ", "
            SaveSQL(0) = SaveSQL(0) & "[" & FieldName & "]=NULL, "
          End If
        ElseIf Left(Element,3) = "ToF" Then
          SaveSQL(0) = SaveSQL(0) & "[" & FieldName & "]=" & Request(Element) & ", "
        ElseIf Left(Element,3) = "Dte" Then
          SaveSQL(0) = SaveSQL(0) & "[" & FieldName & "]=" & DateChar & Request(Element) & DateChar & ", "
        End If 
      End If
    SaveSQL(0) = Left(SaveSQL(0),Len(SaveSQL(0))-2) & SqlCondition ' [green]Chopping off the trailing comma/space and adding the condition to it[/green]
    Set RSUpd = Con.Execute(SaveSQL(0))
    response.write "Record Saved<br>"
  End If
  ' [green]break in conditionals, so that after save, you can still View Record[/green]

  If (Request("Action") = "Edit" OR Request("Action") = "Save") AND (Request("ID") <> "") Then
    Set RS = Con.Execute("Select * From [" & TableName & "] Where [" & IdField & "]=" & Request("ID"))
' [green]outputting Form[/green]
    If Not Rs.EOF then
<form method="post">
<table border=1>
      <td><%=IdField%>:</td><td><%=RS(IDField)%><input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<%=RS(IDField)%>"></td>
      For Each Field in Rs.Fields
        If StrComp(Field.name,IdField,vbTextcompare) <> 0 Then
          If ChkArray(DataTypes,Field.Type) Then ' [green]looking for text type fields[/green]
            If Field.DefinedSize >= 200 then
      <td><textarea name="Txt<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Field.Name)%>"><%=Server.HTMLEncode(RS(Field.Name))%></textarea></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="Txt<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Field.Name)%>" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(RS(Field.Name))%>" maxsize="<%=Field.DefinedSize%>"></td>
            End If
          ElseIf ChkArray(NumericTypes,Field.Type) Then ' [green]looking for numeric type fields[/green]
      <td><input type="text" name="Txt<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Field.Name)%>" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(RS(Field.Name))%>"></td>
          ElseIf ChkArray(TruthTypes,Field.Type) Then ' [green]looking for numeric type fields[/green]
            If Not IsNull(RS(Field.Name)) then
              If RS(Field.Name) = 1 OR RS(Field.Name) = True Then
                OptTrue = " CHECKED"
                OptFalse = ""
              ElseIf RS(Field.Name) = 0 OR RS(Field.Name) = False Then
                OptTrue = ""
                OptFalse = " CHECKED"  
                OptTrue = ""
                OptFalse = ""  
              End If
              OptTrue = ""
              OptFalse = ""  
            End If
        True <input type="radio" name="ToF<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Field.Name)%>" value="1"<%=OptTrue%>>&nbsp;&nbsp;
        False <input type="radio" name="ToF<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Field.Name)%>" value="0"<%=OptFalse%>>
          ElseIf ChkArray(DateTypes,Field.Type) Then ' [green]looking for date type fields[/green]
      <td nowrap><input type="text" name="Txt<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Field.Name)%>" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(RS(Field.Name))%>"> DateValue, Format as MM/DD/YYYY OR MM/DD/YYYY</td>
          Else ' [green]catching unknown field types[/green]
      <td>Unknown FieldType : <%=Field.Type%></td>
          End If
        End If
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="action">
<input type="submit" value="Cancel/Done" name="action">
Error Retrieving Record.
    End If
  Else ' [green]Displays your Table Contents for Editing[/green]
<table border=1>
    For Each Field in Rs.Fields
      If StrComp(Field.name,IdField,vbTextcompare) <> 0 Then ' show all fields except ID since ID is above ( forced first Column )
      End If
' [green]outputting Data[/green]
    Do While Not Rs.EOF
      For Each Field in Rs.Fields
        If StrComp(Field.name,IdField,vbTextcompare) <> 0 Then ' show all fields except ID since ID is above ( forced first Column )
        End If
      <td><table><tr><td><form method="post"><input type="submit" value="Edit" name="Action"><input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<%=RS(IdField)%>"></td></tr><tr><td></form></td></tr></table></td>
  End If
Table Empty, enter at least one record to be able to edit.
End if
Set RS = nothing
Set Con = nothing

Function ChkArray(Values,Value) ' [green]returns true/false on a comparitive set[/green]
    If IsArray(Values) Then
        ChkArrayArr = Values
        ChkArrayArr = Split(Values,",")
    End If
    ChkArray = False
    For ChkArrayArrCounter=0 to Ubound(ChkArrayArr)
        If StrComp(ChkArrayArr(ChkArrayArrCounter),Value,vbTextCompare)=0 Then
            ChkArray = True
        End If
End Function

aKa - Robert
aha here's that thread finally found it, blasted search on here isn't overly reliable : thread333-880932

there's some extra explaination stuffs in it, and some detail on how it works.

aKa - Robert
Thats some nifty code, but not exactly what im looking for. Mainly I want to ease inserting records. I'm assuming I'll need to use some sort of insertable component maybe? basically I want someone to be able to insert as many records as possible using some kind of growing sheet, where they can click for a new line.

any ideas?

well it'd be along the same premise of the above code, instead of retrieving a record for display/delete, you'd retrieve _A_ record for the fields in the db, and generate your input form, and then insert from there.

second option is using a little bit of clientside vbs and activex... easiest way to accomodate this would be port some of the data structure to Access, then export to ASP, access has a nifty export to asp interface in it that will allow you to edit via web page pretty quick and easy

aKa - Robert
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Part and Inventory Search

