I've been looking in CMC for some sort of report/status screen that shows which jobs/reports are currently being ran by username.
Looking at the CMS server (CMC - Servers) I can see who is currently logged-in, with his/her login-in time and the total number of current sessions.
The CMC settings screen under "Metrics" gives a count of currently running jobs. (that never updates, always set to zero,... eventhough I launched some reports and refreshed the screen)
To make a long story short, I need to find something simlar to "Instance Manager" under Administrative tools for "Jobs" and not scheduled instances.
Any help who be greatly appreciated. We are getting database record locks from crystal reports and who like to know which report to kill instead of killing everyone's report.
Thanks again,
Looking at the CMS server (CMC - Servers) I can see who is currently logged-in, with his/her login-in time and the total number of current sessions.
The CMC settings screen under "Metrics" gives a count of currently running jobs. (that never updates, always set to zero,... eventhough I launched some reports and refreshed the screen)
To make a long story short, I need to find something simlar to "Instance Manager" under Administrative tools for "Jobs" and not scheduled instances.
Any help who be greatly appreciated. We are getting database record locks from crystal reports and who like to know which report to kill instead of killing everyone's report.
Thanks again,