I have a component UDP, wrritten in VHDL, se below. Then I have a an entity that looks something like this:
entyity User_Logic is
Bus2IP_BE :in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
component UDP_IP is
rx_dv :in std_logic;
end component;
Now I want to connect those two signals, but the compiler do not like it. I got the "incompatible types" error.
How can I do to connect those two signals?
udp_pi: udp_ip port map(
rx_dv => Bus2IP_BE; --->?????? error
I have a component UDP, wrritten in VHDL, se below. Then I have a an entity that looks something like this:
entyity User_Logic is
Bus2IP_BE :in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
component UDP_IP is
rx_dv :in std_logic;
end component;
Now I want to connect those two signals, but the compiler do not like it. I got the "incompatible types" error.
How can I do to connect those two signals?
udp_pi: udp_ip port map(
rx_dv => Bus2IP_BE; --->?????? error