I am using the Xilinx WebPack synthesizer and I get an error with exit code 0006 from this piece of code -- All syntax is correct in the file. This code will compile with Figaro software from Atmel. Any suggestions? If you need a better description let em know, here is the snippet of code:
register_20: process (RESETn, waddr20, indata, reg20)
if (RESETn = '0') then
reg20 <= "0000";
elsif rising_edge (waddr20) then
reg20 <= indata(3 downto 0);
reg20 <= rst_conv;
end if;
end process register_20;
reset_conv: process (RDn, lataddr, rst_conv)
if falling_edge (RDn) then
if (lataddr = "00101" then
rst_conv(0) <= '0';
elsif (lataddr = "01001" then
rst_conv(1) <= '0';
elsif (lataddr = "01101" then
rst_conv(2) <= '0';
elsif (lataddr = "10001" then
rst_conv(3) <= '0';
rst_conv <= reg20;
end if;
end if;
end process reset_conv;
register_20: process (RESETn, waddr20, indata, reg20)
if (RESETn = '0') then
reg20 <= "0000";
elsif rising_edge (waddr20) then
reg20 <= indata(3 downto 0);
reg20 <= rst_conv;
end if;
end process register_20;
reset_conv: process (RDn, lataddr, rst_conv)
if falling_edge (RDn) then
if (lataddr = "00101" then
rst_conv(0) <= '0';
elsif (lataddr = "01001" then
rst_conv(1) <= '0';
elsif (lataddr = "01101" then
rst_conv(2) <= '0';
elsif (lataddr = "10001" then
rst_conv(3) <= '0';
rst_conv <= reg20;
end if;
end if;
end process reset_conv;