We are writing a program that imports VHDL and we need the ability to handle constants declared outside of a vhdl file. We basically need to understand the following:
1) If a file being referenced is outside the current directory, how is the path specified?
2) Are there any constants (used in port definitions) that might be declared in a standard library and in this case, do we need to be aware of a VHDL path statement?
For question 1, I have supplied an example below.
Suppose I have a file called utils.vhd that contains the following:
This file is used by cpu.vhd in the following way:
How do I know that utils will be in the same directory as cpu?
We are writing a program that imports VHDL and we need the ability to handle constants declared outside of a vhdl file. We basically need to understand the following:
1) If a file being referenced is outside the current directory, how is the path specified?
2) Are there any constants (used in port definitions) that might be declared in a standard library and in this case, do we need to be aware of a VHDL path statement?
For question 1, I have supplied an example below.
Suppose I have a file called utils.vhd that contains the following:
package utils is
-- Define a 16 bit word
subtype word is bit_vector(15 downto 0);
-- Define an 8 bit byte
subtype byte is bit_vector(7 downto 0);
end package body utils;
This file is used by cpu.vhd in the following way:
use work.utils.all;
entity cpu is
port(dataout: out word; -- Data out to memory
datain: in word; -- Data in from memory
address: out word; -- Address to memory
readStrobe,writeStrobe:out bit; -- Read and write strobe to memory
reset: in bit; -- Positive logic, asynch. reset
clk: in bit); -- Leading edge triggered clock
end entity cpu;
How do I know that utils will be in the same directory as cpu?