hello, i'm new to vfp,and i'm loving it.
Anyway, i have a questin, i nedd to get the distance from gogle maps, it´s that possible? how?
for better undestanding of the question, this is part of my code.
this give me the best ways to get to my clients, now i nedd to get the distance from the google maps. and insert it in my db.
Anyway, i have a questin, i nedd to get the distance from gogle maps, it´s that possible? how?
for better undestanding of the question, this is part of my code.
Do ydeclare
Local m.yfrom,m.yto
If Empty(m.yfrom) Or Empty(m.yto)
Return .F.
m.yfrom=Allt(Strtran(m.yfrom," ","-"))
m.yto=Allt(Strtran(m.yto," ","-"))
Local m.url
m.url="[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.google.pt/maps/dir/"+m.yfrom+"/"+m.yto[/URL]
_Cliptext=m.url &&url in clipboard
Local apie
apie= Createobject("wscript.shell")
Procedure ydeclare
Declare Integer BringWindowToTop In user32 Integer
Declare Integer SetWindowText In user32 Integer,String
Declare Integer Sleep In kernel32 Integer
this give me the best ways to get to my clients, now i nedd to get the distance from the google maps. and insert it in my db.