We have a Networker Server version 6.2 with a tape library ADIC scalar 218 with two DLT7000 tape drives. Server has also a storage node with another ADIC scalar 218 unit. When we backup clients through network, the speed we get on main server is not higher than 200 to 300Kb/sec. If we redirect the same client to the storage node the backup speed goes up to almost 6MB/sec. When main server runs a backup of itself the speed goes up to 7MB/sec. Once it starts a backup through network the speed goes down to 200 to 300Kb/sec. Well, I ran a NT backup of the same client going to the same tape library and backup is much faster than Legato. Any idea why? This is the only server we are having slow backups. I have directed most of the backups to its storage node as they complete much faster. OS is windows NT 4 sp6. We have also replaced the NIC and reinstalled its driver. Situation is the same. Properties on the NIC show that negotiation is locked to 100/half.
One more thing: SPeed is the same, very low with other clients too. No matter what I backup the speed is unacceptable. Tape drives have the latest firmware, same as the tape drives in the storage node library.
Any suggestions you might have is appreciated.
Thank you.
One more thing: SPeed is the same, very low with other clients too. No matter what I backup the speed is unacceptable. Tape drives have the latest firmware, same as the tape drives in the storage node library.
Any suggestions you might have is appreciated.
Thank you.