Hello there, I am in the middle of a home lab setup and I know that my ISP blocks certain ports (outgoing 25 and 80), I was curious if this is the right theory for hosting my own dns server for my domain.
-Buy Domain Name: Check
-Setup DNS server with appropriate zones and A records: check
-Setup websites in IIS each with designated IP and appropriate ports and security settings:check
-Verify A records internally with supplied names using client pointing to dns server: check
So this is where I am at, I have an account with GoDaddy and I wanted to check to see if I could do name resolution over an SSL connection since I know I have 443 available to me. To test this I used OWA on my new Exchange 07 box and it worked fine by using my IP.
I used their total DNS control to setup an A record that points to my IP and used my router to forward traffic to that site and it was great..
*Finally the question*
I want to know if instead of using this method, if I could use my dns server to answer queries, I assumed I could, so I created a NS reference and pointed it to my IP with my dns server in the DMZ and all port 53 traffic pointed to it. Is this the right way to do this? Do I need to have my dns server be listed as a NS... If not, please fill me in. I am having a bit of a quarrel with SSL on the other website to test this approach.
Could I somehow forward traffic to my IP and it will just magically do name resolution at my dns server? (haha i wish)
Sorry for the length.. Any tips welcome
-Buy Domain Name: Check
-Setup DNS server with appropriate zones and A records: check
-Setup websites in IIS each with designated IP and appropriate ports and security settings:check
-Verify A records internally with supplied names using client pointing to dns server: check
So this is where I am at, I have an account with GoDaddy and I wanted to check to see if I could do name resolution over an SSL connection since I know I have 443 available to me. To test this I used OWA on my new Exchange 07 box and it worked fine by using my IP.
I used their total DNS control to setup an A record that points to my IP and used my router to forward traffic to that site and it was great..
*Finally the question*
I want to know if instead of using this method, if I could use my dns server to answer queries, I assumed I could, so I created a NS reference and pointed it to my IP with my dns server in the DMZ and all port 53 traffic pointed to it. Is this the right way to do this? Do I need to have my dns server be listed as a NS... If not, please fill me in. I am having a bit of a quarrel with SSL on the other website to test this approach.
Could I somehow forward traffic to my IP and it will just magically do name resolution at my dns server? (haha i wish)
Sorry for the length.. Any tips welcome