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Vectors - Collecting digits timer 2

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Apr 27, 2007
I have a vector that looks like this:

01 wait-time 0 secs hearing silence
02 collect 2 digits after announcement XXXX
03 goto step 6 if digits = 00
04 route-to number YYYY with cov n if unconditionally
05 stop
06 route-to number ZZZZ with cov n if unconditionally
07 stop

My question is how long does the collect digits step wait for input and how do I change that time. Is it the "Short Interdigit Timer" in sys feat?

Also I think I read before that you should always start a vector with the wait-time step, is this true?

Ok, this is my last question I promise; if I have a "collect 1 digit" step and a user push multiple digits, which one get stoerd? The first or the last?

If anyone can link me to a good doc on vectors maybe I can answer these questions myself.

Thanks in advance,

ps. I don't have variable enabled.
Short Interdigit Timer" in sys features refers to dialing out. i.e. how long does the PBX wait before assuming you have finished dialling.

I think the field you are looking for is under the VECTORING section of system-parameters features (page 11 on mine)
Prompting Timeout (secs):

The reason you should always start a vector with wait-time step is so that the ACD has something to do (play ringtone) whilst it processes the next steps. otherwise the caller might hear dead air if the next step(s) fail.

If you have a "collect 1 digits" step then the ACD will stop listening as soon as the first digit is pressed and process that digit. So to answer your question, the 1st digit is used.

Hope this helps,

"I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early."
Just to add to Ronster's post..
if you colelct 1 digit, and the user presses 2 digits,, the system will process the first digit, but will keep the second digit in a buffer. And that digit can be used later,,,

I use this with variables to give callers one digit menu choices, but also allow them to enter the 4 digit extension of a user at any time...


1 wait 1 sec hearing ringback
2 collect 1 digit after announcement 1234 for A (lets say caller entered 5123 here)
3 goto step 11 if digit = 5 (in my case users ext. all begin with 5)
4-10 other menu choices (goto vec @ step X if digit = 2,3,4,6, etc)
11 collect 3 digits after announcement none for B (this will retreive the last three digits that the caller entered)
12 set C = A CATR B (makes C = A(5) catr B(123))
13 route to number C with cov Y if unconditionally (C now = 5123)

Thank you both for your answers. That is exaclty what I needed to know.
We use 6 digit extensions and I cannot get the system to accept the last digit. I can get this to work at 4 digit locations but not here.
I changed the 1st collect step to look for 2 digits. for Y
If 10 go to step 9.
step 9 collect 4 after ann none for X
step 10: set W = Y catr X
step 11 route-to number W with cov y unconditionally

When you enter the 6 digit number after the 1st announcement it terminates the call after the 5 digit every time. What am I missing?
post the full vector, also do a trace on the vec, or vdn then dial it to see where it is erroring..
also, what are the variable lengths defined as?
Y should be 2, x should b 4 and w should be 6
All should be (L)ocal variables as well...

display variables                                               Page   1 of   2

                              VARIABLES FOR VECTORS

Var Description                 Type    Scope Length Start Assignment       VAC

A   First Option                collect L     1      1
B   Last three digits of extens collect L     3      1
C   Full 4 digit extension      collect L     4      1
W variable was not set up for digits, thank you for the help
In my experience I've always added the wait 0 seconds hearing silence step and the beginning of all DDI/DID vectors as it relates to answer supervision...any routing request encountered within the vector will automatically instruct the PBX to give out a 'connected' response to the PSTN, at which point the call charging begins and the PBX effectivly 'controls' the call. This is the opposite of using LAI where you don't instruct the pbx to take control of the call and the LAI response (i.e. local site wait time etc.) is passed back to the source via the PSTN on the back of a 'busy' signal - this call type isn't charged and allows LAI calls to be completed FoC...

this is a belief I've always had following a conversation many years back - happy for a more detailed/accurate explanation if anyone has one?! :)


PS: Please let me know if my advice has been of any use.
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