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Vector step collect 4 digits after announcement does not always work

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Technical User
Mar 10, 2009
Hi All,
I have an S8300 with G450 and IA770, CM release R015x.01.1.415.1 the collect 4 digit after announcement step in the vector that is suppossed to route the caller to the extensions does not always work. After the announcement or during the announcement I enter the extension, the prompting time out kicks in after a while then the next step which instrucsts the caller to enter 1 digit after a second announcement follows. The 1 digit part works fine just the 4 digit that does not sometimes work. I have deleted and re-created it but still samething.

Below is a sample of the vector any help is appreciated thanks.

10 goto step 12 if time-of-day is all 08:30 to all 17:00
11 goto step 12 if unconditionally
12 collect 4 digits after announcement 8990
13 route-to digits with coverage y
14 collect 1 digits after announcement 8991
15 goto step 28 if digits = 1
16 goto vector 11 @step 1 if digits = 2
17 goto vector 12 @step 1 if digits = 3
18 goto vector 13 @step 1 if digits = 4
19 route-to number 8992 with cov y if digit = 5
20 route-to number 8993 with cov y if digit = 6
Try changing your announcement to prompt the caller to enter the extension number followed by the pound sign. The # signals the PBX that all of the digits have been entered.

You could also put in a "wait" step after your "route to digits" step.

You can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.
Is you dialplan setup for just 4 digits? command 'disp dial ana'
Thank everyone for their input but the # sign and wait step did not make any diffence. and the dial plan is set for four digit

change dialplan analysis Page 1 of 12
Location: all Percent Full: 5

Dialed Total Call Dialed Total Call Dialed Total Call
String Length Type String Length Type String Length Type
0 1 ext
10 3 fac
11 3 fac
12 3 fac
19 3 dac
54 4 ext
55 4 ext
56 4 ext
58 4 ext
9 1 fac
* 2 fac
# 2 fac

This has always been working until now

Have you done a trace on the vector and see what is happening when it fails?

- Stinney

Quoting only proves you know how to cut and paste.
When I do these kind of vectors, I always try to validate the input from the caller. It seems to help. I use this same type of a vector for a couple of my offices, where we don't allow all extensions to get calls, so I validate them to a vrt table and it works great...

It sounds like the vector is not hearing all of the 4 digits. Have you checked your firmware on the gateway and trunk cards?
Thanks everyone.
Regarding the trace below are the current traces to the VDN, a minute ago it worked and the next it did not.

The firmware on the gateway is 28 .25 .0 /1

Trunk card is DS1 MM MM710BP HW11 FW044

*********Call Completed Successfully***********************

time vec st data
14:20:28 25 10 time-of-day(3,14:20)+VDNTZO(00:00)+DSR(00:00)=3,14:20
14:20:28 25 12 collect 4 digits after annc 5401 for none
14:20:28 25 12 announcement: board 001V9 ann ext: 5401
14:20:38 25 13 route-to digits with coverage y
14:20:38 25 14 LEAVING VECTOR PROCESSING cid 569
14:20:38 25 14 TRACE COMPLETE cid 569

***Call not completed and went to collect 1 digit*************

time vec st data
14:23:50 25 10 time-of-day(3,14:23)+VDNTZO(00:00)+DSR(00:00)=3,14:23
14:23:50 25 12 collect 4 digits after annc 5401 for none
14:23:50 25 12 announcement: board 001V9 ann ext: 5401
14:24:09 25 13 route-to digits with coverage y
14:24:09 25 14 collect 1 digits after annc 5402 for none
14:24:09 25 14 announcement: board 001V9 ann ext: 5402
14:24:20 25 15 goto step 28 if digits = 1
14:24:20 25 28 messaging
14:24:20 25 29 LEAVING VECTOR PROCESSING cid 579
14:24:20 25 29 TRACE COMPLETE cid 579

I think LoopbackJack is right that the system isn't getting all the entered digits.

Looks like you have the ability to use variables.

Set up a variable as a collect type, set the scope to L, length to 4 and Start to 1 and then change the vector step that collects 4 digits to:

collect 4 digits after announcement 5401 for (variable letter)

Then when you do the list trace, the variable will show you what the system captured (or didn't) for the digits.

- Stinney

Quoting only proves you know how to cut and paste.
Stinney, i am not following, can you guide with setting up the variable. when i enter the change or add command i dont have the option for variable in my choices

Sorry, what CM version are you on? I think variables started on CM 4.x

- Stinney

Quoting only proves you know how to cut and paste.
What is different with the extensions that work and the ones that don't? One would normally have COR to COR restrictions when using a "route to digits" step. Otherwise everyone would enter 9-00-X and reach an international operator to make calls on your dime.


Once again, sorry, you posted it. Looks like you're on CM 5.x, which should have variables available. Unless it's some additional customer feature that you have to have turned on and it's not in your system. The command is simply change variables.

- Stinney

Quoting only proves you know how to cut and paste.
It looks like you are a couple revs behind on your firmware systemsdude.
Currently, G450 should be at 30_13_2 and the DS1 should be at V47. There is a V48, but I believe it had issues with one way talk paths with robbed bit trunks.
If it were me, I would start there.
The extension that worked was 5503 and the one that did not was 5505 they all have the same COR of 6 including the VDN. This is the funnuy part, at another time 5503 did not work but 5505 worked. My nightmare right?
Try "list usage vector 25". Maybe you have more than 1 VDN with a different cor. Also, do you use EC500? Maybe EC500 is active trying to do a trunk to trunk transfer which is causing the route-to step to fail.


I am for sure not an expert, but I had to do something similar to this but I understand you can't have a vector collecting 4 and 1 digits, you need to collect x number of digit and then send to another vector to collect another number of digits. At least that was the way it worked for me.

You may need to add an announcement at the beginning of your vector to collect 1 digit and one of your options would rote to another vector to collect 4 digits.. something like that.. just a thougth.
I have tried to put a step to route out of that vector to a collect 4 digit vector. I have created a main vector with two prompts 1 for collect 4 digits and prompt 2 for collect 1 digit. I have also directly routed my VDN to the collect 4 digit vector. I have re-created the vector and in each instance it works at one time and the next it will not work keep in mind its the same extension that worked before and now is not working. This also has been working fine before.
You might have a bad Call Classifier board in the switch. When that board is being used to hear tand dechipher the toens it can't. SO the call does not route.
Depending on how you get to the vector it may not be allowed to follow the cover path of the extension if it is busy. I think it has some thing to do with if it goes to the vector as part of cover for another station. I think newer CM than mine has a way to make it follow the cover of the routed station.
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