We have a routing issue out of all of our vectors. We are running CM 5.2.1 and it seems that since we upgraded to that release this hasn't been working. After they hear an announcement (ex. 03818) they press a number (ex. 3) and it is suppose to route to another number (ex. 918002798833). Instead of it routing to that number it just goes to the next step which is an internal extension. Any ideas as to what to check on this?
change vector 3 Page 1 of 6
Number: 3 Name: NKC-L3 Main #
Multimedia? n Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conf? n Lock? n
Basic? y EAS? n G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? n
Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? y BSR? n Holidays? y
Variables? n 3.0 Enhanced? n
01 goto step 7 if staffed-agents in split 4 >= 1
02 wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback
03 goto step 7 if time-of-day is fri 17:00 to mon 07:00
04 goto step 7 if time-of-day is all 17:00 to all 07:00
05 route-to number 03198 with cov y if unconditionally
06 stop
07 collect 1 digits after announcement 03818
08 goto step 14 if digits = 1
09 goto step 15 if digits = 2
10 goto step 16 if digits = 3
11 goto step 17 if digits = 4
12 goto step 7 if unconditionally
13 stop
14 messaging split 99 for extension 03104
15 messaging split 99 for extension 03103
16 route-to number 918002798833 with cov n if unconditionally
17 messaging split 99 for extension 03106
Here is also a trace on that vector:
list trace vector 3 Page 1
time vec st data
11:23:01 0 0 ENTERING TRACE cid 334
11:23:01 3 1 vdn e03100 bsr appl 0 strategy 1st-found override y
11:23:01 3 1 goto step 7 if staffed in skill 4 >= 1
11:23:01 3 7 collect 1 digits after annc 03818 for none
11:23:01 3 7 collect 1 digits after annc 03818 for none
11:23:01 3 7 announcement: board 003V9 ann ext: 03818
11:23:04 3 8 goto step 14 if digits = 1
11:23:04 3 8 digits = [3]
11:23:04 3 9 goto step 15 if digits = 2
11:23:04 3 9 digits = [3]
11:23:04 3 10 goto step 16 if digits = 3
11:23:04 3 10 digits = [3]
11:23:04 3 16 route-to number 918002798833 cov n if unconditionally
11:23:04 3 17 messaging
11:23:07 3 18 LEAVING VECTOR PROCESSING cid 334
11:23:07 3 18 TRACE COMPLETE cid 334
Thanks for the help!!!
change vector 3 Page 1 of 6
Number: 3 Name: NKC-L3 Main #
Multimedia? n Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conf? n Lock? n
Basic? y EAS? n G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? n
Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? y BSR? n Holidays? y
Variables? n 3.0 Enhanced? n
01 goto step 7 if staffed-agents in split 4 >= 1
02 wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback
03 goto step 7 if time-of-day is fri 17:00 to mon 07:00
04 goto step 7 if time-of-day is all 17:00 to all 07:00
05 route-to number 03198 with cov y if unconditionally
06 stop
07 collect 1 digits after announcement 03818
08 goto step 14 if digits = 1
09 goto step 15 if digits = 2
10 goto step 16 if digits = 3
11 goto step 17 if digits = 4
12 goto step 7 if unconditionally
13 stop
14 messaging split 99 for extension 03104
15 messaging split 99 for extension 03103
16 route-to number 918002798833 with cov n if unconditionally
17 messaging split 99 for extension 03106
Here is also a trace on that vector:
list trace vector 3 Page 1
time vec st data
11:23:01 0 0 ENTERING TRACE cid 334
11:23:01 3 1 vdn e03100 bsr appl 0 strategy 1st-found override y
11:23:01 3 1 goto step 7 if staffed in skill 4 >= 1
11:23:01 3 7 collect 1 digits after annc 03818 for none
11:23:01 3 7 collect 1 digits after annc 03818 for none
11:23:01 3 7 announcement: board 003V9 ann ext: 03818
11:23:04 3 8 goto step 14 if digits = 1
11:23:04 3 8 digits = [3]
11:23:04 3 9 goto step 15 if digits = 2
11:23:04 3 9 digits = [3]
11:23:04 3 10 goto step 16 if digits = 3
11:23:04 3 10 digits = [3]
11:23:04 3 16 route-to number 918002798833 cov n if unconditionally
11:23:04 3 17 messaging
11:23:07 3 18 LEAVING VECTOR PROCESSING cid 334
11:23:07 3 18 TRACE COMPLETE cid 334
Thanks for the help!!!