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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I´d like to learn one of those two.But which?Can you please tell me the advantages of each.What can you do with delphi that you can´t with VC++ and what with VC++ that you can´t do with delphi?If I wanted to create something like kazza or napster,which one would be better?Is there more demand for C++ or delphi programers?I´m sorry if I seemed too demanding,but I really am confused about this and I hope you can help me.
With VC++ you will be tied to Micro$oft, with Delphi you can migrate also to Linux.

I am very lazy, that is why I like Delphi, at least it helps you thinking. S. van Els
Well, both have their pro's and con's..

I haven't treid VC++ so i can't really judge it, but i have programmed in C++, so here i go :)

Delphi :
+ It's easy to use and understand.
+ It's "Visual" just drag&drop components all over the place :)
- It's not as "direct" as C++. (Slower)

C++ :
+ You don't have to type as much :)
+ It's a faster programming language (program's run faster)
- It's harder to understand

i think VC++ also has that Drag&Drop feature.

What does count is what applications you want to make with it, finally you'll have to decide. :)

Good Luck!
Rob Pouwelse E-mail: Rob@matas.nl (till Jan 10, from then on it's Deathwish@winning.com)

Well it basically depends on what you want to do.
If you want to make multimedia apps, I think (dont know)
you'll be better off using a C++ variant. For learning to
program or if you want to make database apps, you better
start in Delphi because of the afore mentioned.

BobbaFet Everyone has a right to my opinion.
E-mail me at cwcon@programmer.net
Be a nice guy 'n press that little ol' button
VVV---(this one) for me ;-)

If you want to use C? Why don't you learn C++ Builder?
It is fast, drag and drop objects, easy to understand and is much better than VC++

If you want to use Pascal language, choose Delphi, because it easy to understand and you can migrate your applications to Linux.
I have said this before, no doubt.
C++ is a horrible language almost all respects, if you don't need maximum speed (Delphi is only marginaly slower anyway) then leave C++ (all variants) alone.

About speed of C or C++, I have my doubts, I personally only know One VC++ programmer, and the guy is very good. On the other hand the people who ever tried to convince me that C, or C++ or VC++ is better then Pascal or Delphi, still do not know how to make a program that has more then 10 lines.

I have compared the C sintaxe with the Delphi/Pascal sintaxe, and my conclusion is:

If you know how to code in C++, people will think you are smart, because the cryptic way of programming will impress them.

If you know how to code in pascal/delphi people will notice if you are smart, because the code is more readable.

Regards S. van Els
Well, it really depends on why you want to learn the language in the first place. Are you learning for fun or to get a new job? If it's fun, then the answer is Delphi ;-). If your learning because you want to change careers then you need to do a job search in your area for both Delphi and VC++ and learn the one that gets the most hits. While Delphi is a great language to learn, I know in my area the demand is very low for Delphi Developers. Every one uses Micros***t, why I'll never know.

Why not learn both, more tools for the trade. Delphi would be the easiest to learn.
Micro$oft has a very strong marketting team and strategy. They can sell you everything that doesn't work, or need an update or patch every month. (msn messenger)

Nobody ever got fired because of buying Microsoft products. They are fired when they can not use them. (Visual C++) S. van Els
Since this is a Delphi Forum I won't loose my time talking about Micro$oft Visual C++.
Although thanks to Micro$oft we have nowadays a common standard called Windows.

There are 3 versions of Delphi(6). These statements apply to Delphi 3-4-5 as well, except for the CLX or Linux part.

Delphi Personal
The most simple and cheap version, estimated price $99. Also can be found in trial versions which expire after 60 days (if you don't buy it).
Consists of a compiler, IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and basic components.
Execelent way to start making small applications. No limit for creating applications. You can make executables and sell? them, although reading the license stuff will tell you that you may not sell your applictions, only give away.
Don't expect to become rich with Delphi Personal because Database Access is not included, except Paradox, DBase and Access.
Source code of the basic components is not included, so impossible to alter the basic components.
A typical program you could make is a Unit convertor, like pounds to kg etc. Make an executable, copy it to your clients computer and it will be working.

Delphi Professional

Estimated price $1000, (if you want to make money with programming)
Has the basic (standard) components + Quick Report components (comparable with Report Smith and Cristal Reports), graphics (TeeChart) and others.
Database access is extended with Local Interbase. Interbase is a RDBMS wich is limited in the professional version to not accept remote connections. You can play Client-Server on the local Machine, where the computer is Client + Server.
Comes with a special installation Utility called InstallShield, which can give your installation the same look as Installing MS-Office, to impress your clients. Create instalation disks or Cd's.
Has the source code of the components, so altering the components to fit your needs is possible.
Also has CLX components, to create multi-platform (read Linux) applications. It is possible to make a Windows Version and a Linux version of your program, however you will need Kylix to compile the Linux part.
Also has NetCLX which permits creating internet applications for CGI, ISAPI, NSAPI or Apache extensions.

Delphi Enterprice

Estimated Price $3000 (real bussiness, big money, programming as a living and surviving of course)
Complete, drivers for Oracle, SQL-Server, Sybase, Interbase and other Bigshot RDBMS.
Comes with a 5 license Interbase Server for testing Client-Server database applications. Yes your client has to buy his own server.
TeamSource for developping applications in teams. ADO (direct access to MS-SQL server), Business-to-Bussiness (B2B) applications (still do not know what this is), XML and other weird things IT professionals talke about to confuse the mere mortals.

For more information:

The strongest point: How many books on VC++ you will find, compared to Delphi? even in Russian

Regards S. van Els

ask this in a VC++ forum, see what answer you get there :) E-mail: Rob@matas.nl (till Jan 10, from then on it's Deathwish@winning.com)
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