Hi Folks,
I use the VBScript below to determine which server/servers gets low on drive space and get notified via email, but the issue is when it treats a CD/DVD drive as a hard drive and adds it to the list saying drive E (which is a CD drive) has 0 % left. Any suggestions? Here is the script
Const AlertHigh = .1 'This is the upper percentage of free space for an alert; 10% = .1
Const emailFrom = "email address" 'Enter the from address the email will appear from
Const emailTo = "email address" 'Enter the to address which the email will be sent to
Const ExchangeServer = "email server name" 'Enter your Exchange server name here
Const WaitTimeInMinutes = 10 'Wait time between polls measured in minutes
Dim strMessage
Dim arrServerList
arrServerList = array("server name") 'Enter the list of servers to monitor
Do until i = 2
'Clear the message variable
strMessage = ""
'Poll the array of servers
'Email if there is a message
if strMessage <> "" then
end if
'Wait for set number of minutes then loop
'Uncomment next line to test a few loops and quit
'i = i + 1
Sub PollServers(arrServers)
on error resume next
for each Server in arrServers
set objSvc = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//" & Server & "/root/cimv2")
set objRet = objSvc.InstancesOf("win32_LogicalDisk")
for each item in objRet
if item.DriveType = 7 then
end if
if item.FreeSpace/item.size <= AlertHigh then
strMessage = strMessage & UCase(Server) & ": Alert, drive '" & item.caption & "' is low on HDD space! There are " & FormatNumber((item.FreeSpace/1024000),0) & " MB free <7%" & vbCRLF
end if
set objSvc = Nothing
set objRet = Nothing
End Sub
Sub EmailAlert(Message)
on error resume next
Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
with objMessage
.From = emailFrom
.To = emailTo
.Subject = "Low Disk Space Update"
.TextBody = Message
.Configuration.Fields.Item (" = 2
.Configuration.Fields.Item (" = ExchangeServer
.Configuration.Fields.Item (" = 25
end with
Set objMessage = Nothing
End Sub
I use the VBScript below to determine which server/servers gets low on drive space and get notified via email, but the issue is when it treats a CD/DVD drive as a hard drive and adds it to the list saying drive E (which is a CD drive) has 0 % left. Any suggestions? Here is the script
Const AlertHigh = .1 'This is the upper percentage of free space for an alert; 10% = .1
Const emailFrom = "email address" 'Enter the from address the email will appear from
Const emailTo = "email address" 'Enter the to address which the email will be sent to
Const ExchangeServer = "email server name" 'Enter your Exchange server name here
Const WaitTimeInMinutes = 10 'Wait time between polls measured in minutes
Dim strMessage
Dim arrServerList
arrServerList = array("server name") 'Enter the list of servers to monitor
Do until i = 2
'Clear the message variable
strMessage = ""
'Poll the array of servers
'Email if there is a message
if strMessage <> "" then
end if
'Wait for set number of minutes then loop
'Uncomment next line to test a few loops and quit
'i = i + 1
Sub PollServers(arrServers)
on error resume next
for each Server in arrServers
set objSvc = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//" & Server & "/root/cimv2")
set objRet = objSvc.InstancesOf("win32_LogicalDisk")
for each item in objRet
if item.DriveType = 7 then
end if
if item.FreeSpace/item.size <= AlertHigh then
strMessage = strMessage & UCase(Server) & ": Alert, drive '" & item.caption & "' is low on HDD space! There are " & FormatNumber((item.FreeSpace/1024000),0) & " MB free <7%" & vbCRLF
end if
set objSvc = Nothing
set objRet = Nothing
End Sub
Sub EmailAlert(Message)
on error resume next
Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
with objMessage
.From = emailFrom
.To = emailTo
.Subject = "Low Disk Space Update"
.TextBody = Message
.Configuration.Fields.Item (" = 2
.Configuration.Fields.Item (" = ExchangeServer
.Configuration.Fields.Item (" = 25
end with
Set objMessage = Nothing
End Sub