1. Is VBScript on Windows 2008 RS 64-bit run as 64-bit applications?
2. What ODBC Data source Admin version should I use for a VBScript (the 32 or 64 bit)?
I have drivers installed for both for Oracle. Thus far all my VB6 apps (using the 32bit ODBC) are working fine but not some new scripts I am trying to write in VBScript.
EDIT: I am trying to use VBScript as an HTA app.
1. Is VBScript on Windows 2008 RS 64-bit run as 64-bit applications?
2. What ODBC Data source Admin version should I use for a VBScript (the 32 or 64 bit)?
I have drivers installed for both for Oracle. Thus far all my VB6 apps (using the 32bit ODBC) are working fine but not some new scripts I am trying to write in VBScript.
EDIT: I am trying to use VBScript as an HTA app.