I have created a series of VBScripts to run performance monitoring and input the data into SQL Server. It all works fine when I run each in turn manually. Whenever I schedule them to run at the same time then it fails. Have I got to stagger these in some way to get it working? Surely it should work and run it's own Wscript.exe process for each scheduled task until completed?
In simplistic terms the script below does this:
1. Start the selected Performance Monitor (PerfMon)
2. Sleep for 1 hour
3. Stop the selected PerfMon
4. Wait for 30 seconds (give PerfMon time to do it's thing)
5. Update and edit the outputted data from PerfMon
6. Run the SQL Server DTS transformation task
7. Copy the outputted file to an archive area
Here is an example of my code. The only alteration made in each script is in the setting of variables (e.g. 'itax-dm3' changed to 'itax-dm5' and so on):
Does anybody have any ideas or suggestions? Thanks...
In simplistic terms the script below does this:
1. Start the selected Performance Monitor (PerfMon)
2. Sleep for 1 hour
3. Stop the selected PerfMon
4. Wait for 30 seconds (give PerfMon time to do it's thing)
5. Update and edit the outputted data from PerfMon
6. Run the SQL Server DTS transformation task
7. Copy the outputted file to an archive area
Here is an example of my code. The only alteration made in each script is in the setting of variables (e.g. 'itax-dm3' changed to 'itax-dm5' and so on):
Dim objFSO, DataFile, CopyDest, DTSSvr, DTSPkg, intPausePeriod, strLogFileToUse
Dim intNowDay, intNowMonth, intNowYear, intHour, intMin, intNowDate
'create the formatted date
intNowDay = Left(Now(), 2)
intNowMonth = Mid(Now(), 4, 2)
intNowYear = Mid(Now(), 7, 4)
intHour = Mid(Now(), 12, 2)
intMin = Mid(Now(), 15, 2)
intNowDate = intNowYear & intNowMonth & intNowDay & " " & intHour & intMin
'other variables
intPausePeriod = 3600000 '(e.g. 1000 = 1 second, 900000 = 1/4 hour, 1800000 = 1/2 hour, 3600000 = 1 hour)
strLogFileToUse = """ITAX-DM3"""
DataFile = "C:\PerfLogs\ITAX-DM3.tsv"
strSearchString = """ """
strReplaceString = """0"""
CopyDest = "C:\PerfLogs\Log Record\ITAX-DM3\" & intNowDate & ".txt"
DTSSvr = "itax-sql2"
DTSPkg = "PerfMon ITAX-DM3"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Run the performance log task for a specified period of time
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
'start the performance logging
objShell.Run("logman start " & strLogFileToUse)
'pause the code so the logging can happen
WScript.Sleep intPausePeriod
'stop the performance logging
objShell.Run("logman stop " & strLogFileToUse)
Set objShell = Nothing
'if you don't pause here for a while then the log file code below will fail!
WScript.Sleep 30000 '30 seconds
'Performance Log File
Dim objFile, objFileCopy, intLineCount, strNewContents, strLine, strLineNew, strText, strNewText
'does the log data file exist?
If objFSO.FileExists(DataFile) = True Then
'Search for empty/blank results in the dataset and enter a zero in its place
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(DataFile, 1)
strText = objFile.ReadAll
strNewText = Replace(strText, strSearchString, strReplaceString)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(DataFile, 2)
objFile.WriteLine strNewText
'general tidy up and update of the file
intLineCount = 0
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(DataFile, 1)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
intLineCount = intLineCount + 1
strLine = objFile.Readline
'update the line
If intLineCount <> 1 And left(strLine, 1) = Chr(34) Then
'take off the milliseconds
strLineNew = Left(strLine, 20)
strLineNew = strLineNew & Mid(strLine, 25)
'convert the string date to DDMMYYYY so the SQL Server DTS transformation works later on below
strDay = Mid(strLineNew, 5, 2)
strMonth = Mid(strLineNew, 2, 2)
strLineNew = Chr(34) & strDay & "/" & strMonth & Mid(strLineNew, 7)
strLineNew = strLine
End If
'ignore blank/empty lines and the second line which has empty data in it
If intLineCount <> 2 And Left(strLineNew, 1) <> "" Then
strNewContents = strNewContents & strLineNew & vbCrLf
End If
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(DataFile, 2)
objFile.Write strNewContents
'copy the newly created file and date it
Set objFileCopy = objFSO.GetFile(DataFile)
objFileCopy.Copy (CopyDest)
Set objFileCopy = Nothing
Set objFileCopy = Nothing
End If
'SQL Server DTS Package
Dim objDTSPackage, DTSStatus, DTSStep
'run the DTS package
Set objDTSPackage = CreateObject("dts.package")
objDTSPackage.LoadFromSQLServer DTSSvr, , , 256, , , , DTSPkg
'close the DTS package
Set objDTSPackage = Nothing
'Delete the original log data file
objFSO.DeleteFile DataFile
'Close the script
Set objFSO = Nothing
Does anybody have any ideas or suggestions? Thanks...