The code below is part on the onclick sub of a form
If Trim(Initals) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter your initals in the box", vbOKOnly
Else: CorrectField = CorrectField + 1
End If
The idea is, if the text box Initals is blank, bring up the dialog box, otherwise add one to the counter.
For some reason, whether the text box is empty or not, the dialog box isnt brought up and the counter is incremented.
I've also tried Trim(Me!Initals) and Trim(Me(Initals))
Thanks for any help.
The code below is part on the onclick sub of a form
If Trim(Initals) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter your initals in the box", vbOKOnly
Else: CorrectField = CorrectField + 1
End If
The idea is, if the text box Initals is blank, bring up the dialog box, otherwise add one to the counter.
For some reason, whether the text box is empty or not, the dialog box isnt brought up and the counter is incremented.
I've also tried Trim(Me!Initals) and Trim(Me(Initals))
Thanks for any help.