I am looking for coding that will enable extration of data from 5 different workbooks to a central data store.
The Workbooks are named South, West, East, North West, Scotland. The other is called Data Store.
All Sheets are called data
I need the macro to run from the Data Store Workbook and ideally not to open the other workbooks.
The data on the 3 individual sheets will always start on line 5 but will need to look down to the last line of data (which is a variable) and could be different on each workbook. It will need to transfer the row to column H.
Any data transferred would need to transfer onto the Data Store workbook and start from line 5 but actually bolt on to the first empty line of data after each individual workbook.
The South workbook has 3 rows of data and would take up rows on data store (rows 5,6,7). Therefore the VBA would have to ensure data transferred of the next individual workbook would have to start on the first blank line, in this example line 8.
I dont mind how clunky the code has to be as long as I can automate from the central store workbook without opening the 5 individual workbooks
Many many thanks
The Workbooks are named South, West, East, North West, Scotland. The other is called Data Store.
All Sheets are called data
I need the macro to run from the Data Store Workbook and ideally not to open the other workbooks.
The data on the 3 individual sheets will always start on line 5 but will need to look down to the last line of data (which is a variable) and could be different on each workbook. It will need to transfer the row to column H.
Any data transferred would need to transfer onto the Data Store workbook and start from line 5 but actually bolt on to the first empty line of data after each individual workbook.
The South workbook has 3 rows of data and would take up rows on data store (rows 5,6,7). Therefore the VBA would have to ensure data transferred of the next individual workbook would have to start on the first blank line, in this example line 8.
I dont mind how clunky the code has to be as long as I can automate from the central store workbook without opening the 5 individual workbooks
Many many thanks