Technical User
Hello all! I have a query that is running fine in the Access query, but that is throwing me an error in the VBA environment.
This is the query:
The VBA environment:
When it fires:
Errors on the highlighted ligns.
It gives me the following error:
runtime error 3142
"character found at the end of sql statement."
I first thought of a semi-colon introduced by mistake in the statement, but nothing, then I looked everywhere to find another character that could have been introduced in between the routine and the strSQLstrip input, but theres nothing.
Maybe it is because strSQLstrip passes from a function to another? Even though I do the same thing with another SQL in the same function.
You should know this, it is the 2nd instance of a database query that I open in the same function, first instance being the following:
Thanks for your help, don't hesitate to ask any question!
"Knowing that you know is the greatest sign of stupidity, knowing that you are ignorant is the best proof of intelligence.
This is the query:
SELECT Left(T.IdProjet,7) AS ProjetSommaire, Sum(E.SalaireHoraire*(T.Lundi+T.Mardi+T.Mercredi+T.Jeudi+T.Vendredi+T.Samedi+T.Dimanche+T.LundiRD+T.MardiRD+T.MercrediRD+T.JeudiRD+T.VendrediRD+T.SamediRD+T.DimancheRD)) AS [Honoraire utilisé]
FROM tblTimeSheet AS T INNER JOIN tblEmployer AS E ON T.IdEmployer=E.IdEmployer
GROUP BY T.IdProjet;
The VBA environment:
strSQLstrip = "SELECT Left(T.IdProjet, 7) As ProjetSommaire, Sum(E.SalaireHoraire*(T.Lundi+T.Mardi+T.Mercredi+T.Jeudi+T.Vendredi+" & _
"T.Samedi+T.Dimanche+T.LundiRD+T.MardiRD+T.MercrediRD+T.JeudiRD+T.VendrediRD+T.SamediRD+T.DimancheRD))" & _
"AS [Honoraire utilisé]"
strSQLstrip = strSQL + " FROM tblTimeSheet AS T INNER JOIN tblEmployer AS E ON T.IdEmployer=E.IdEmployer" & _
" GROUP BY T.IdProjet;"
When it fires:
[highlight]Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQLstrip, dbOpenSnapshot)[/highlight]
If Not rst.BOF Then rst.MoveFirst
'For this template, the data must be placed in the appropriate cells of the spreadsheet
appExcel.Workbooks(iWbk).Worksheets("Bilan").Cells(iRow, 1).Value = rst.Fields("ProjetSommaire")
appExcel.Workbooks(iWbk).Worksheets("Bilan").Cells(iRow, 9).Value = rst.Fields("Honoraire utilisé")
iRow = iRow + 1
Loop Until rst.EOF
Errors on the highlighted ligns.
It gives me the following error:
runtime error 3142
"character found at the end of sql statement."
I first thought of a semi-colon introduced by mistake in the statement, but nothing, then I looked everywhere to find another character that could have been introduced in between the routine and the strSQLstrip input, but theres nothing.
Maybe it is because strSQLstrip passes from a function to another? Even though I do the same thing with another SQL in the same function.
You should know this, it is the 2nd instance of a database query that I open in the same function, first instance being the following:
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rst.BOF Then rst.MoveFirst
'For this template, the data must be placed in the appropriate cells of the spreadsheet
For Each ws In appExcel.Workbooks(iWbk).Sheets(Array("JfSommaire", "MaSommaire", "MartinSommaire", "BrunoSommaire", "JimSommaire", "NancySommaire", "GuillaumeSommaire", "GB Sommaire"))
For Each r In ws.Range(ws.Range("A4"), ws.Range("A4").End(xlDown))
If ws.Cells(r.Row, 1) = rst.Fields("IDProjet") Then
ws.Cells(r.Row, 9).Value = rst.Fields("Honoraire utilisé")
bRecordUse = True
End If
If bRecordUse = False Then
appExcel.Workbooks(iWbk).Worksheets("Absent").Cells(iRow, 1).Value = rst.Fields("IDProjet")
appExcel.Workbooks(iWbk).Worksheets("Absent").Cells(iRow, 9).Value = rst.Fields("Honoraire utilisé")
iRow = iRow + 1
End If
bRecordUse = False
Loop Until rst.EOF
Thanks for your help, don't hesitate to ask any question!
"Knowing that you know is the greatest sign of stupidity, knowing that you are ignorant is the best proof of intelligence.