I have the following array formula entered into a cell in excel which works fine to lookup on multiple criteria and return the relevent value
However, the calc/recalc time is far too slow for the number of rows I need to use this
Instead I need to replicate with VBA. Can anyone give me any pointers on how to achieve this with reletively short code?
An example of the data I need to look up is
Many thanks
{ =INDEX('ELR Lookup'!d$2:d$1477,MATCH(H100,IF(O100>='ELR Lookup'!b$2:b$1477,IF(P100<='ELR Lookup'!c$2:c$1477,IF(H100='ELR Lookup'!A$2:A$1477,'ELR Lookup'!A$2:A$1477),0)))) }
However, the calc/recalc time is far too slow for the number of rows I need to use this
Instead I need to replicate with VBA. Can anyone give me any pointers on how to achieve this with reletively short code?
An example of the data I need to look up is
Main Sheet
Cell a100 = BJW3
Cell b100 = 17
cell c100 = 18
Cell D should return "Secondary" - (ie colA =BJW3, colC <=17, colC >=18)
ELR Lookup Sheet:
col A col B col C col D
BJW1 0.0013 0.142 Secondary
BJW2 5.091 6.1736 Secondary
BJW3 12.109 16.1254 Primary
BJW3 16.1254 18.0132 Secondary
BJW3 18.0132 19 Primary
BJW3 19 23.0733 Primary
BKE 36.0369 37.1364 Primary
Many thanks