Well I am trying to create an Excel Application, which would copy a selected (via a combo box) defined name to a new worksheet. I am having trouble.
Here is my current code:
For r = 1 To nms.count
formation = cboSelectPlay.Text
nms(r).Name = formation
'wks.Cells(r, 2).Value = nms(r).Name
Debug.Print nms(r).Name
Debug.Print nms(r).RefersToRange.Address
Worksheets("Inglemoor LLF Playbook Template".Range(nms(r).RefersToRange.Address).Copy
Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
NewSheet.Range("A1".PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
'wks.Cells(r, 3).Value = nms(r).RefersToRange.Address
Well I am trying to create an Excel Application, which would copy a selected (via a combo box) defined name to a new worksheet. I am having trouble.
Here is my current code:
For r = 1 To nms.count
formation = cboSelectPlay.Text
nms(r).Name = formation
'wks.Cells(r, 2).Value = nms(r).Name
Debug.Print nms(r).Name
Debug.Print nms(r).RefersToRange.Address
Worksheets("Inglemoor LLF Playbook Template".Range(nms(r).RefersToRange.Address).Copy
Set NewSheet = Worksheets.Add
NewSheet.Range("A1".PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
'wks.Cells(r, 3).Value = nms(r).RefersToRange.Address