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Oct 25, 2001
Hi there,

I'm confused ;(

- I just formated my PC and I want to install VB on it.
- My PC is WIN XP Professional PIII 750MHz 256MB 20GB.
- I have experience background in VB6 coding.
- I have VB.NET Professional 2003 CD
- I have VB 6 Enterprise CD

I have some question:

Q1. Is it diffecult to code in VB.NET when I have VB6 background?
Q2. Do you suggest leaving VB6 and go for VB.NET? (some collegues didn't agree!)
Q3. What is the deiffernces between VB6 Enterprise and Profissional ediotions? and which one is better?
Q4. Will it slow down my PC if I install both VB6 and VB.NET?
Q5. Is it difficult to install VB .NET? (I have 16 CDs ;)

P L E A S E 5 Q U E S T I O N S N E E D 5 A N S W E R S :)

Please help guys ;)
I have both VB.NET and VB6 installed on my PC. I have studied VB6 for 2 years and now I am learning VB .NET.

VB .NET has its differences with VB6.
One of the biggest dissapointments for me was the use off control arrays. Using a control array in VB 6 is pretty simple but it is quite difficult in .NET

The rest of the coding is pretty similar. Altough I find it more like JAVA and more object oriented.

Altough I am learning VB .NET now, I still use VB 6 because I am used to the syntax.

Installing both .NEt and 6 doesn 't really slow down my machine. But I don 't have the proffesional edition of .NET

I hope I answered some of your questions.

To search or to post - that is the question.
To search first and to post later. THAT is the answer.
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