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VB-Multiple step operation error.Check each status value

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Technical User
Oct 24, 2001
I have a class that is getting info from 3 tables in access.

Where 2 tables are dependent from the first.
Customer table and Addresses and Calls tables are dependent

Like follows
With rs
.Source = "SHAPE {SELECT * FROM `Customers`} AS EstimateParts " _
& "APPEND ({SELECT * FROM `CustomerAddress`} AS CustAddress " _
& "RELATE 'ID' TO 'ID') AS CustAddress" _
& ",({SELECT * FROM `CustomerCalls`} AS CustCall " _
& "RELATE 'ID' TO 'ID') AS EstCall"

.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.ActiveConnection = Provider.GetConnection
End With
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
Set rsAddress = rs("CustAddress").Value
Set rsCall = rs("CustCall").Value
End If

When i try to delete a record from the rsCall it gives me an error
Run-time error -2147217887
Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value

i have one record in rs and 4 or 5 in rsCall

Please help

Thank you greatly
Thanks guys

I didnt find why this error is happening but i found a solution around this problem.

Hi, I have the same problem. What is the solution?

This problem usually occurs when you are trying to store data in to a field that cannot accomodate the data.

Ex. you have an integer field, but trying to store string, like "Cat"


A string field, defined with a maxlength, but you try to save too much information in it. For example, LastName field with Max Length = 20 Characters, but you attempt to store a lst name with 21 characters.

Without more specifics, it is hard to say. Hope this helps and good luck.


Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. - Fortune cookie wisdom
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