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VB Multi-User Application corrupting tables in Access 97. Urgent Help!

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Aug 1, 2001
I created a multiuser vb application that connects to an access db over a WAN.I am presently doing some testing with end users, and every so often one of the tables gets corrupted and corrupts the Access file. Only users who are logged on can access the tables ( except the table that is corrupted which gives Run-time error 3343 -- unrecognized database format). New users can't log on to the system, they get an unrecognized database format error. I need to know what is causing the corruption. Does it have anything to do with closing recordsets or closing of the db in a multiuser environment? I am using DAO recordsets and in some cases Data Controls. Has anyone experienced these types of issues? Any advice will be greatly appreciated

Its not so serious problem, its very easy to resolve this problem.
its happening because(i think) u hv made yr app under access 97 but somehow or may be someone was opened your acc97 database outside from your application and anyhow someone changed the database format by using tools menu from access.
try to convert your current database to acc97 format, hope it will work.
before doing so, pls make a copy of your database in safe place and start repair and convert to acc97 format.
ok. ok. oj.
zahid --bangladesh..zkhan03@hotmail.com
Thanks ZahidKhan03,

I thought about that possibility, but the database is also password protected therefore its unlikely (but not impossible) that unauthorized users would open the database from outside the application. Is that the only reason a database would become corrupt? As I mentioned, in one instance only one table got corrupted. When I use the Access repair utility, it deleted the corrupted table. Furthermore, when I checked the error table which was generated as a result of the repair, it said that a column was missing from the corrupted table, even though the column that was being referred to was not part of the table originally. Does this sound familiar? I am hoping it is some unauthorized hacking which can be addressed. Please for more possible reasons that I can explore.

Thanks a again
I am just learning to us the Vb report writer. I want to pass a beginning date and ending date to the report. These values are not contained in the data control. The values are stored in two variables inside the code. Can these two values be added to the report?
Hi Sweigs and welcome to Tek-Tips.

To get the best from the forums please read faq222-2244. One of the tips there is to start a new question in a new thread, rather than tacking it onto an old one.

For this question, yes it's easy.

Add two RptLabel controls to the ReportHeader section of your DataReport. Name them as Startdate and Endate. Then from your code use something like this:
dr1.Sections("ReportHeader").Controls("Startdate").Caption = myStartDate
dr1.Sections("ReportHeader").Controls("Enddate").Caption = myEndDate

where myStartDate and myEndDate are your 2 variables and "ReportHeader" is the name of the appropriate section of the report.

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first

'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
Hi Mirak,

Sorry to be the bearer of this bad news but access is not a good choice for a multi-user database.

The problems you've described are becuase of access database corruption that happens very frequently with access used in a multi-user environment.

Have a look here to see what're the problems and how to try to deal with them:

Apart from these,search google for access database corruption.You'll find plenty of other instances as well.

I've also been having tons of problems with access (used in a multi-user environment). Do you have any suggestions as to what would be a better alternative?

MSDE (free) is a lightweight version of MSSQL. A quick forum search will show it in use

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first

'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
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