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VB Dot-Nettiness - What does it mean?

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Apr 13, 2001
Here's a start at a thread asking "what the heck does Dot-Net do for me, the developer" and "what's cool/useful about VB.Net for the VBer?"

Here are some initial stabs at it. I would welcome additions and corrections. And when we venture into opinion, a bit of discussion.


* End of .dll-hell (?)
* Return to "rich-client" application development through the death of the deployment dragon (?)
* Highly granular distributed computing using web services (?)
* Loosely-coupled, potentially multiplatform, firewall-penetrating RPC-like DCOM replacement/supplement [SOAP and such] (?)
* Support for multiple programming languages, rather than Sun's Java-centric view of computing (?)


* Use VB to create server-side objects with less threading restrictions (????)
* Clean(er) interoperation with components written other CLR-based programming languages (?)


I always figured part of the motivation for SOAP was to use TCP port 80 and HTTP because of the constant war between distributed developers and firewall keepers. I know firewalls make DCOM and database access a nightmare for me, especially every time there's an attempt to "clean up" the rules or upgrade firewall software.

I think you've presented some interesting ideas that are worth exploring--perhaps you should narrow the topic so that the discussion can get more detailed.

I like to think of .NET as similar to Java, except

- it is further advanced in XML communication - i.e SOAP. But this is not such a big deal, at least, for now.

- it supports other languages. This is good ut the other languages do not include VB etc. There is coupling to Java and the integration between the J2EE platforms and .NET will get better.

-C# replaces C/C++ with more object functionalities that Java already has.

The above is a basic overview and in my humble opinion. Please correct me if I am wrong on any (or all) points above. Thanks.
.NET offers few few other features as well. If not fresh even then new to microsoft and VB.

.Garbage Collection
.Base classes (I may find myself coding in c#)
.VS.NET combined project, seemless integration
.fast faster fastest.....

Its a real Big Stoppppp

VB.NET my next home

Imran Make habit of marking posts as helpful or expert post, if they do solve your problems.
As a VBER...
adding some more ingredients like UML
new spices like XML and Web Services...
collect your garbage using GD.Collect and
wash your hands with SOAP
finally cook your recipe with the CLR.

you'll definitely sell like pancake!

Support me by reading through the only FAQ posted. Help
me in making it a better post. Is any mis-conception, or some grammer mistakes or any ambiguity raised by the post.
I need your and other members advice as well.

Remember its a post intended for beginners/Intermidiates.

Have a nice day!
Imran Make habit of marking posts as helpful or expert post, if they do solve your problems.

I guess where I had been "going" with this thread originally was to ask the fundamental question:

"As a VB5/VB6 developer, what are some really good reasons, that I can appreciate, for moving to VB.Net?"

So the question isn't "how does .Net fix problems inherent in C++ (garbage collection, et al.)."

And it isn't (pinched voice, nose high in the air, speaking through teeth clenched a la Thurston Howell III) "it embodies elements of the many high principals I was introduced to during my undergraduate work in computer science."

I was't even going for anything on the topic of VB programmers moving to C#.

These can be covered elsewhere. What I was after was truly compelling reasons for a VB programmer to study VB.Net and make the move.

So far I'd have to say JonathanC came closest above ;-)

I think the absence of replies makes a damning case so far!

My analysis is that VB.Net sucks by raising the bar too far for many casual VBers, it sucks by comparison with C# or managed C for heavy VBers, and it sucks because VB.Net is barely making any inroads with anyone.

But I'll ask again: "what does VB.Net offer the VB programmer to entice him/her to make the move?"

Don't be so depressed. If you want a comparision b/w
vb 5/6 and vb.net then u have to consider both according
to the scopes and limitation.

VB 5/6 Pros and Cons (Features and Limitations)

1. provides Rapid Applicaiton Development
2. windows application development supported
3. "limited" web application development
4. XML (not supported)
5. "DLL hell" remains there
6. unexpected results like
dim a,b,c as string
will create c as string and a, b as varient
7. Too much gargabe in memory becuase of cercular
referencing (Objcts continue to reside in memory)
8. COM / DCOM introduced
9. lacks inheritance
10. Based on ASCII (limited internationl languages
11. Too much dependancy on Windows OS.
12. API's are compulsory for a good application.
13. limited graphics support (GDI)

VB.NET Pors and Cons (Features and Limitations)

1. Rapid application Development
2. task list, command, break points widnwos and other
new tools provides better debugging and assistance
3. Structured error handling is supported which makes
exception handling more manageable and easy.
4. New tools like linklable and notifyicon perform
tasks whcih were perfomed by calling API's so, no
need to call API's any more.
5. New IDE Features makes application development more
quicker and better.
6. Data tier components can be created with more
authority through server Explorer.
7. OO provides property/method overloading which
makes applicaion more easy to use. multiple methods
can have same name but they differ in thier
8. Middle tier components can be created with ease and
an eye can be kept on triggers, distributed compo_
nents, distributed transactions and threading.
9. Rich graphical applications can be created without
call API's because vb.net provides GDI+
10. ADO.NET removes cursor setting which were
causing problems for developeres.
11. .NET works on Base Classes which have everything
needed to create corporate applications thus
dependency on windows OS is not a fact anymore.
12. VB.NET based on Unicode which makes all internat_
ional languages support a reality.
13. Web development is much more powerful and supported
14. XML is fully supported and Business components
created in XML, not only are interoperable with
.NET Platform but with any OS platform.
15. More faster applications as compare to vb 5/6
16. Developer control on Threading gives a chance to
create more responsive applications.
17. SQL server 7/2000 fully supported
18. Garbage collecter will clean memory discarding
any junk.
19. Componets will destroy themselves even in they have
circular references.
20. ASP.NET is 4 times fater then ASP 3
21. VB.NET programeer will get built-in ASP.NET deve_
lopment support.
22. Lots of new properties improves programmer control
and provide easyness to them like Anchor property
will automaticlly resize forms and objects without
any need of writing code in form's resize event
23. Inheritance provides object grouping and modling
which improves security and maintanability.
24. Base classes are common to all .NET languages which
provides switching from one language to ohter more
easy and seemless. Besides this solutions can be
developed which have one portion of them written in
one language and other using another .NET language
like one using VB.NET and other using C#.
25. CLR provides architecture independence. Applications
created using .NET can run on 32-bit/62-bit archi_
26. "DLL hell" no more there
27. COM goes to museam.
28. No more unexpected results
29. This is what i knows and i'm sure i don't know

I too much I'm getting late


Make habit of marking posts as helpful or expert post, if they do solve your problems.
Dilletente - I think you must stop thinking of just comparing VB to VB.NET.

Languages are no longer to be thought of as independent entities - like VB was thought of as.

VB.NET is not for everyone. If you are looking to build just desktop apps - why change - except maybe that it will be more difficult to find supporting OSs down the road.

VB.NET definately raises the bar higher - and it will displace folks who cannot grasp the concept of distributed applications. It was like the eighties/nineties, when there were folks who could not migrate from the concept of developing for Mainframes to C/S.

Your questions cannot be answered in a manner you want - i.e. a straight and simple comaprisons between VB.NET and VB.

If you are looking for only such an answer - that, most probably, .NET is not for you. Keep on your peresent path.

To fully understand .NET, than other comparisons come in handy - ASP.NET, C# etc, which will also include factors as getimran posted above (which had some very good info).

Hope this helps.

PS - Can you inform me on the "high principles" of CS from University :)

I had a heck of a rough ride when I first started working after University - it was with SAP - they had a whole new list of "high principles".

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