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VB & Crystal: Does it being executed the query twice?

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Jan 19, 2004
Hi everybody!

First of all, sorry for my english.

I run the program step by step to see where is the problem, but there is something that I don't understand.
The thing is, when the Record Set is open takes a long time to process because the complexity of the query, but at the moment of the preview (CRViewer1.ViewReport) I think the query is processed again because is taking long time too.

Could someone tell me is this is Ok, or what can I do to improve this?

This is the source code:

Set adoRS = New ADODB.Recordset

' ******** Here the Oracle connection is made *******
adoRS.Open gstrSQL, gcnOracle, adOpenForwardOnly,
adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

Set crRep_RotaBod = New cr_RotaBod
crRep_RotaBod.ParameterFields(1).AddCurrentValue gstrParameter1
crRep_RotaBod.ParameterFields(3).AddCurrentValue gstrParameter3
crRep_RotaBod.ParameterFields(2).AddCurrentValue gstrParameter4
crRep_RotaBod.Database.SetDataSource adoRS
CRViewer1.ReportSource = crRep_RotaBod

'*** Here the preview is made, and I supouse the query is being re-executed***


Is there anything in the report's Record Selcection Formula? If so, that would cause the report to filter the records again, even though you've presumably done so in the recordset.

You could also try forcing a ReadRecords:
crRep_RotaBod.Database.SetDataSource adoRS
CRViewer1.ReportSource = crRep_RotaBod

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